
Help with SWTCalendarListener

Yowie ****
  • Yowie ****

    Yowie **** - 2008-12-04


    I found serveral problems using SWTCalendar and I hope someone can help me.

    First I tried version 0.5 but I dont know why I couldnt  create a SWTCalendar object. The problem was the constructor, I couldnt pass a shell to it. Im using eclipse 3.3 and when i tryed for suggestion it says "no suggestion" like he couldnt access the class.

    Then I tried 0.4 and it compiled but when I using the part of the calendar I got an error on NOCalssFound exception on SWTEventListener.

    Next step was  importing the code to my project and i got a waring in that class that says:
    Discouraged access: The type SWTEventListener is not accessible due to restriction on required library C:\Archivos de programa\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.3.3.v3349.jar

    I tried to change the access rules to SWTEventListener  but i cant change it. If i create a new rule i dont know exactly how.

    Can someone please help me because now, I dont really know what to else to try...

    Thanks a lot!

    PD: To get the SWTCalendar.jar file, I imported with eclipse the project as a ant file and then I exported as a jar.

    • Yowie ****

      Yowie **** - 2009-01-08

      I fixed it. The problem was that I was not including the SWTCalendar library in my plugin.xml (I'm developing an eclipse plugin). Even so, the problem in the 0.5 version is still a fact. I deicide to use the 0.4.


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