
Swish / News: Recent posts

Our most wanted feature, 64 bit: Swish 0.4.4

Countless people asked us to make Swish work on 64 bit Windows so we brought forward our plans.

We have just releawse version 0.4.4 as a universal installer that selects the correct binaries to install based on the installed version of Windows. It also adds translations for a host of new languages.

Posted by alamaison 2010-12-11

Unicode file names: Swish 0.4.0

The latest release, 0.4.0, adds support for non-Latin characters in file and directory names.

Download it here:

Posted by alamaison 2010-06-10

Windows 7: Swish v0.3.4

With version 0.3.4 we support Windows 7 properly. Changes in this version include:

- IPv6 support
- Window 7 fixes
- Fix overwriting larger file with smaller one
- Error messages when negotiating a connection fails
- Support for most characters (e.g. @) in user names

Download it here:

Posted by alamaison 2010-05-31

Translations: Swish

The latest release of Swish,, adds Dutch and Russian translations.

Behind the scenes the GUI framework has been rewritten from scratch and may have some issues. Please test and report any problems you find.

Get it here:

Posted by alamaison 2010-05-29

Host-key verification: Swish

We have just released a small update to Swish, version, that adds host-key verification. Also, the installer has been redone from scratch using Wix. This should help with upgrade issues.

Get it here:

Posted by alamaison 2010-03-20

Buttons and bugfixes

We released an update to swish today (version which includes these notable changes:
- Added command buttons to add and remove hosts (Windows Vista and above).
- Allow the user to cancel a file transfer mid-file rather than only between files.
- Fix bug where password dialogues appear behind the Explorer window.
- Fix missing menu options bug in Windows 98.

Download: read more

Posted by alamaison 2010-02-15

New release: Swish v0.3.0.0

It's taken a while but we have just release the first genuinely useful version of Swish. You can drag-and-drop files to and from remote servers as well as doing your usual file management tasks.

= How do I get started? =
The first time you use Swish it has an empty window because you haven't added any remote hosts yet. You do this by choosing Tools > Add SFTP Connection...

For Vista user this means you have to enable you menu bar *but only while you add your hosts*, you can disable it again after. Yes, this isn't ideal and we're working on command buttons that should make it easier.... read more

Posted by alamaison 2010-01-03

A small update ... whew

I though I'd quickly squeeze in the keyboard-authentication feature because it would be a small job. Well, I hope I won't make that mistake again! It proved a *lot* harder than I expected. Anyway, here it is along with some improvements to stability behind-the-scenes.

Posted by alamaison 2008-11-22

At last, a little file management

Finally Swish can perform some simple file management tasks, namely, deleting and renaming files and directories on a remote SFTP server.

Another improvement in this latest release (v0.2.1.8) is session caching so you don't have to enter your password constantly.

Next up, keyboard-interactive authentication ...

Posted by alamaison 2008-09-21

Better integration and stability

No great new features yet but the new release ( offers much better integration with Explorer and a vastly more stable SFTP backend which is based on libssh2 (

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (
This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (

Posted by alamaison 2008-08-02

Swish phone home!

Finally a release of Swish that actually connects to a remote machine! Before you get your hopes too high, Swish can only list a remote directory's contents at the moment but it's progress.

WARNING: This release (0.2.1) is still very unstable. If Swish receives a reply from the server that it isn't expecting IT WILL CRASH EXPLORER. What it can cope with so far includes simple password interaction and unknown key prompts.... read more

Posted by alamaison 2008-06-07