
SwingSet / News: Recent posts

SwingSet 2.1.0 Released

We're pleased to annouce the release of SwingSet 2.1.0. We are currently planning 3 new SwingSet releases:

2.1.0 - 2018-09-18: Minor changes since SwingSet 2.0.0 (see ChangeLog below).
2.2.0 - TBD: Move code based from Java 5 to Java 7. Code cleanup (eliminate warnings). Change rowset implementation to javax.sql.rowset.
3.0.0 - TBD: Add Maven support and add SwingSet to Central Repository. Rename com.nqadmin.swingSet package to com.nqadmin.swingset.... read more

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2018-09-18

SwingSet 2.0.0 Released

SwingSet 2.0.0 Release has been long overdue, we are finally putting out a release after 6 years. The project itself had a lot of activity, lot of new features have been added to enable developers to have more control on the components and different events. The SSDBComboBox now allows for filtering of items, making it easier to find the right item. SSDataGridHandler has been added to handle different events on the data grid, this is similar to the SSDBNav which handles the events for SSDataNavigator. Examples have been updated to use H2 database (in memory), perviously they used to connect to a remote database and users were not able to make change. With the use of in memory H2 database users can add/delete/update records using the demo application. The changes will be lost when the demo application is closed.

Posted by Prasanth Pasala 2012-08-10

SwingSet 1.0.0-PR4 Released

This is a small bugfix release to fix the check in SSDataNavigator for confirmDeletes flag during row deletion.

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2006-06-06

SwingSet 1.0.0-PR3 Released

SwingSet 1.0.0 Preview Release 3 is the first new release of SwingSet in over a year. This release adds extra functions to the SSDBNav interface to give more control to the programmer to create & manage different events on the DataNavigator. A number of new classes have also been added in the formatting package, and work continues to finalize & document this package and its subpackages.

Although still a preview release, SwingSet has been successfully used by its developers in production software for over a year. Project focus will now switch to improving example code & user documentation in preparation for the first release candidate.

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2006-05-18

SwingSet 1.0.0-PR2 Released

SwingSet 1.0.0 Preview Release 2 fixes a Java 1.5 issues with the SSDataNavigator, provides support for the TIMESTAMP sql data type, and supports JScrollPanes in SSDBNavImp so that component values are cleared properly for new records. This version drastically improves the behavior and functionality of keystoke based navigation in the SSDataGrid.

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2005-03-09

SwingSet 1.0.0-PR1 Released

New Roads, LA - February 21, 2005 - We have just released SwingSet 1.0.0-PR1 (Preview Release 1), an open source Java toolkit containing data-aware replacements for many of the standard Java Swing components.

For SwingSet 1.0.0-PR1 the API & JavaDoc have undergone a major rewrite for consistency. The image, label, slider, & formatting classes are new for this release. A utility class called SSSyncManager was also added for this release to simplify creation of screens with both combo box-based and navigator-based navigation (see for an example).... read more

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2005-02-22

SwingSet 0.9.2-beta Released

SwingSet 0.9.2 fixes an issue with SSJdbcRowSetImpl.setCommand() not updating its underlying JdbcRowSetImpl. Also support for NUMERIC types has been added and the rest of the datatype support has been unified across SSTableModel and SSTextDocument. Currently supported datatypes are: INTEGER, SMALLINT, TINYINT (Integer); BIGINT (Long); FLOAT (Float); DOUBLE, NUMERIC (Double); BOOLEAN, BIT (Boolean); DATE (Date); CHAR, VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR (String). Finally a this.fireTableDataChanged() has been added to the init() method of SSTableModel to alert listeners to any changes in data.

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2004-11-01

SwingSet 0.9.1-beta Released

We just released version 0.9.1-beta of SwingSet to improve default SwingSet/database support in SSJdbcRowSetImpl. Since SwingSet requires JDBC drivers used in conjunction with SSJdbcRowSetImpl to be concurrently-updatable and scroll-insensitive, but some JDBC drivers which support updatable resultsets are not set this way by default, we now automatically issue the following commands:
rowset.setConcurrency(ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);... read more

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2004-10-28

SwingSet 0.9.0-beta Released

New Roads, LA - October 26, 2004 - We have just released version 0.9.0-beta of SwingSet, an open source Java toolkit that allows the standard Java Swing components to be made database aware. This is a major release with an entirely new datasource abstraction layer. Our goal for the 0.9.X series is to focus on bug squashing and possibly some minor feature enhancements. We hope to have a 1.0 production release by the end of 2004. See for a detailed list of features and additional information. A Java Web Start version of the SwingSet demo application is available from read more

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2004-10-26

SwingSet 0.8.3-beta Released

New Roads, LA - October 22, 2004 - We have just released version 0.8.3-beta of SwingSet with several bugfixes and usability enhancments for the 0.8.X series. A SSTextArea has been added to extend the JTextArea with a rowset binding. The SSDataGrid has been enhanced with improvements for date rendering, setting of default column widths, and display of new columns. The SSTextField has improved keystroke handling and now selects all text by default upon receiving the focus. Finally the SwingSet SSTextDocument has been modified to support the CHAR datatype.... read more

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2004-10-22

SwingSet 0.8.2-beta Released

New Roads, LA - September 21, 2004 - We have just released version 0.8.2-beta of SwingSet to address some issues with the SSDataNavigator, SSDBComboBox, and SSComboBox. These issues are primarily related to tracking the "current" record number and keeping track of custom combobox mappings. It is recommended that anyone using 0.8.1-beta upgrade to 0.8.2-beta immediately. Please see the release notes and change log for a detailed list of features and additional information.

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2004-09-21

SwingSet 0.8.1-beta Released

New Roads, LA - August 13, 2004 - We have just released version 0.8.1-beta of SwingSet to address a few small bugs in the 0.8.0-beta release. The 0.8.0 default "empty" item for comboboxes was writing -1 rather than null to the underlying data source if another value was not selected. In addition, the record counter recently added to the record navigator to display the total number of records was not updating as records were added or deleted. As a small enhancement for 0.8.1, the record navigator button sizes have been resized to make better use of available space. It is recommended that anyone using 0.8.0-beta upgrade to 0.8.1-beta immediately. See for a detailed list of features and additional information.

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2004-08-13

SwingSet 0.8.0-beta Released

New Roads, LA - August 11, 2004 - We are pleased to announce the 0.8.0-beta release of SwingSet, an open source Java toolkit that allows the standard Java Swing components to be made database aware. For the latest version all components have been made into Java Beans which will allow for better integration with Java IDEs. Major usability enhancements include cut & paste support from the data grid to/from spreadsheet programs and/or other data grids, addition of current record index and total record count to the data navigator, and default selection of an "empty" item for comboboxes. Finally, the 0.8.0 release includes a number of smaller bug fixes, enhancements, and code improvements. See for a detailed list of features and additional information.

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2004-08-11

SwingSet 0.7.0-beta Released

We are pleased to announce the 0.7.0-beta release of SwingSet, an open source Java toolkit that allows the standard Java Swing components to be made database aware. The latest version includes several usability enhancements and bug fixes, a workaround for the mysql-connector-java MySQL JDBC driver, and a graphical data navigator. See for a detailed list of features and additional information.

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2004-02-23

PostgreSQL JDBC Driver Issue

Please be aware that SwingSet will not work correctly with PostgreSQL JDBC drivers prior to version 7.4.1 (pg74.1jdbc3.jar). Earlier versions of the JDBC driver do not update ResultSets correctly when making an edit to row X and then navigating to the prior record (X-1) via the SSDataNavigator.

The latest PostgreSQL JDBC drivers are available from:

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2004-01-08

SwingSet Web Site Now Available

With the 0.6.0-beta release of SwingSet, we've finally created a web site to tout the wonders of our work. contains general information, a FAQ, relevant links, and screen shots of our demo SwingSet application.


Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2003-12-18

SwingSet 0.6.0-beta Released

We are happy to announce the release of SwingSet 0.6.0-beta. SwingSet is an open source Java toolkit that allows the standard Java Swing
components to be made database-aware.

For the 0.6.0 release of SwingSet, a grid control, SSDataGrid, has been added, which can display database information in a "datasheet" or "spreadsheet" style view. SSDataGrid provides functions to set column headers, hide columns, and make columns uneditable. In addition, individual columns in the SSDataGrid can be displayed as either text fields or comboboxes. For text columns, editing masks can be specified. SSDataGrid uses the SSTableModel, which extends AbstractTableModel. The SSCellEditing and SSDataValue interfaces provide fine control over the working of the grid.... read more

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2003-12-18

SwingSet 0.5.0-alpha Released

SwingSet is an open source Java toolkit that allows the standard Java Swing components to be made database-aware. While there are several commercially available solutions that perform similar tasks, SwingSet is the first known open source solution.

SwingSet utilizes SSTextDocument, an extension of the standard PlainDocument class to link the JTextField or JTextArea to a database column within a RowSet. In addition, custom classes are provided to replace the standard JComboBox and JCheckBox. The SSComboBox provides an Access-like combobox that can be used to display user-specified text choices based on an underlying numeric column (e.g. allows my_table!choice_code, an integer column with valid values of 0, 1, & 2, to be displayed as "yes," "no," & "maybe"). The SSDBComboBox operates in a similar fashion, but is used where both values and their corresponding text choices are stored in a table (e.g. my_table!part_id is stored as a foreign key, but my_table!part_name is diplayed). By writing a custom event listener, SSDBComboBox may also be used to navigate a RowSet based on a combobox selection. The SSCheckBox allows a checkbox to be linked to an underlying numeric database column. Finally, a SSDataNavigator class is provided to allow traversal, insertion, deletion, commit, and rollback of a RowSet. Changes to the current record are auto-committed when a navigation takes place (also similar to Access).

Posted by Brian E. Pangburn 2003-09-26