
SwingOSC v0.70

This version is intended to be used with SuperCollider 3.5.1

- new components: JSCWebView, based on JxBrowser; JSCLevelIndicator (still very plain); native JSCKnob
- fixes: JSCButton modifiers; s.meter returns window; JSCWindow full screen and alpha; initial JSCNumberBox space; sub-pixel coordinates in user view, envelope view and multislider view; unicodes in JSCTextField despite sclang's broken Char/String interaction; JSCView bounds argument is copied (fixes mutability)
- updates: speech works with newer freetts, PDF example uses newer iTextPDF
- adds various methods required for smooth operation with SC 3.5: JSCFont; shutdown hooks (thanks to james harkins); SwingDialog.openPanel; JSCWindow.drawHook deprecated; JPen.lineDash accepts empty array; JSCView has mouseWheel, mouseEnter, mouseLeave, onMove and onResize methods
- uses Nimbus look-and-feel for default components, and Nimbus resembling style for custom components. Add --nimbus switch to command line.
- more consistent component naming: JFont becomes JSCFont, JSpeech becomes JSCSpeech, JStethoscope becomes JSCStethoscope, JTexturePaint becomes JSCTexturePaint, JFreqScope becomes JSCFreqScopeWindow, JSC2DSlider becomes JSCSlider2D
- slight changes: JSCWindow appears centred on screen by default
- regression: the native tablet view is currently disabled
- switched from SourceForge/svn to GitHub/git
- switched from Eclipse/ant to IntelliJ IDEA/sbt for development
- now includes JMF (for JSCMovieView)
- SwingOSC.jar now in base directory

Posted by sciss 2012-04-12

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