
SWeTE Server / Blog: Recent posts

SWeTE 0.2.3 Released

SWeTE 0.2.3 was released today. It includes some small bug fixes to improve performance and compatibility with .NET application cookies. It also includes some security improvements. It is a recommended upgrade for all users of SWeTE Server 0.2.x < 0.2.3.

Posted by Steve Hannah 2013-05-29

SWeTE 0.2.2 Released

We released a minor bugfix release in SWeTE Server 0.2.2 today. It fixes a bug that was introduced in 0.2.1 that causes errors to occur when processing some webpages. All users of SWeTE 0.2.1 are encouraged to update to 0.2.2.

You can download it from the SWeTE website:

Posted by Steve Hannah 2012-07-16

SWeTE 0.2.1 Released

Today we released our first bugfix release of SWeTE - version 0.2.1. It includes a number of little bug fixes that improve stability and compatibility with various sites. Some major fixes include:

  1. Support for FastCGI installs of PHP. (0.2.0 only worked with mod_php).
  2. Improved support for XHTML sites. (Some pages with embedded javascript could sometimes cause problems with 0.2.0).
  3. Improved cookie support. 0.2.0 had a bug where only the last cookie from the source site was passed onto the client's browser. This is fixed now. This would affect many secure sites where you needed to log in.... read more
Posted by Steve Hannah 2012-07-13

SWeTE 0.2.1 Bugfixes Coming

Our first release (0.2.0) is out the door and now we are working on ironing out some of the kinks that have shown up on other environments. We will be releasing a 0.2.1 by the end of the week with some improved handling of XHTML websites, and increased support for different hosting environments (e.g. FastCGI).

Please post feedback and bug reports in the forum.

Posted by Steve Hannah 2012-07-11