
Swedish SQL-ledger / News: Recent posts

Support for SIE (type 4)

Swedish sql-ledger is now able to import accounting data from files in SIE-format (type 4). This means that it is easier to migrate to swedish sql-ledger. The project team also plan to apply for certification at the SIE-group. Feel free to join the team and help us!

Posted by Henrik Jeppsson 2004-06-29

First version released

The first version (0.6) is released to the public. Please observe that this is beta code so do not try to run it in any sharp environment.

Posted by Henrik Jeppsson 2004-06-22

Updated demo on homepage

I've set up a crontab that updates the demo-site from the cvs every 10 minutes.

Posted by Henrik Jeppsson 2004-06-22