Erik Jessen - 2016-11-04

I always like command-line, because that's reproducible, and it's something
that another script could generate.

On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 11:37 AM, StevenAZ wrote:

[feature-requests:#119] Automate SVE Project creation

Status: open
Group: Next_Release_(example)
Created: Fri Nov 04, 2016 06:37 PM UTC by StevenAZ
Last Updated: Fri Nov 04, 2016 06:37 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

One of the first things I did when I started using SVE was to automate the
creation of an SVE project, so that once I check out a user area, I run
"make eclipse" which creates the eclipse and SVE project files.

I then just have to "File>Import>General>Existing Projects" to be up and
running without going through the tedious process of Creating a new project
via the project wizard etc. etc.

While the process doesn't bother me any longer and is fairly seamless, is
there a desire / need to "externalize" the SVE New Project Wizard creation
so that we end up with a command line that can be put into peoples build
scripts. For example:

eclipse -create_sve_project -name=<project_name> <-argfiles="argfile1.f
argfile2.f"|-create_arg_file_from_cmd="run_from_here command_to_execute
name_of_arg_file etc"> [-launch_and_import_to_workspace]

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Feature Requests: #119