

Dmytro Ovdiienko

How to proceed

  1. Login as Administrator
  2. Open Command Prompt. e.g. Press Win + R, type "cmd" and click OK. "Win" button is button with Windows logo.
  3. Navigate to the folder where tool is located. For instance, your tool is downloaded to C:\Users\dima\Documents\Downloads folder. In this case type following commands:
    • C:
    • cd C:\Users\dima\Documents\Downloads
  4. Run "service_disclosure dump". Application will store all services that are run in SHARE_PROCESS mode to services.txt file (some kind of backup file). If you know Process ID of the svchost.exe, you can pass it as optional parameter (e.g. "service_disclosure dump 1234")
  5. Run "service_disclosure modify". Application will configure all services from services.txt file to run in OWN_PROCESS mode.
  6. Reboot.
    Note: After reboot your services will consume more memory than usually. It is expected.
  7. Tune your services. Disable unused services. Use Sysinternals Process Explorer for that.
  8. When complete run "service_disclosure restore". Application will reconfigure services in the services.txt file back to SHARE_PROCESS mode.
  9. Reboot
  10. Enjoy

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