
#8 Dual spectrogram layer display


It would be nice to see the raw DFT spectrogram
"All Bins" and the phase-aligned peak analysis
"Frequencies" in the same Spectrogram display.

Attached is an illustration of what it would look
like. The functionality could probably be done
in one of two ways:

(1) add a fourth display type:
(a) All Bins
(b) Peak Bins
(c) Freqencies
(d) Combined --> shows (c) on top of (a)

(2) Add a check-box to overlay the "Frequencies" data
on the raw DFT display. Perhaps call the check box
"overlay", or "frequency overlay".

When viewing both sub-layers at the same time, it
would be preferrable if the raw DFT were displayed
in black and white, since it would be too confusing
if both sublayers were displayed in colour.


  • Chris Cannam

    Chris Cannam - 2006-06-15

    Logged In: YES

    I'm really not sure about this one. I think it looks pretty
    tough to read.

    Probably easy enough to implement though, so I'll notch up
    the priority a bit and see about investigating.

  • Chris Cannam

    Chris Cannam - 2006-06-15
    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Chris Cannam

    Chris Cannam - 2006-06-15
    • assigned_to: nobody --> cannam
  • Craig Stuart Sapp

    Logged In: YES

    I agree that it looks a big confusing in the example, but
    it will probably depend on the texture of the audio.

    I am thinking the primary purpose would be for switching
    between the raw dft spectrogram and the phase-aligned
    frequencies spectrogram. Having the intermediate double
    display would be helpful in comparing the two. This would
    be done using the control-up/down arrow to switch between
    the displays while looking at the same spectrogram.

    I am also thinking in terms of the display in the Praat
    speech analysis editor where the pitch analysis is displayed
    on top of the raw spectrogram as shown in the attached
    example figure. In this case it is easier to look at since
    there is only one line of analysis data. (Praat does not
    align the vertical axes of the spectrogram and pitch
    analysis, so the alignment in the example is faked to
    get them aligned).

  • Craig Stuart Sapp

    Example frequency/dft spectrogram overlay from Praat


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