
#43 scripts / macros


It would be great to be able to record and playback
macros for setting up a similar environment when
a new soundfile is loaded into SV.

For example, it would be nice if I could record
the following sequence of events, and play it back
whenever I load a new soundfile:

(1) change the colour of the waveform to orange
(2) check the "Normalize Visible Area" box
(3) set channel view to "Mean"
(4) run a plugin (with non-default parameter settings)
which creates a time-instant layer
(5) change the colour of the time instants in the
new layer to orange
(6) turn off the playback of the time instants in the
new layer
(7) run another plugin
(8) make the colour of the generated function black
(9) set the style of the generated function to curve
(10) add a new pane
(11) run another plugin with output going into new pane
(12) go back to first pane and add an empty
time-instant layer.
(13) also (possibly) resize the SV window.

I will go crazy (or at least more so :-) if I have to
keep doing that same sequence over and over again...

The macro could be saved to a file, and then loaded
from the file menu in a manner similar to project
files or annotation layers. Then, I could load
a soundfile, then load the macro file, go for tea
while it runs through the plugins, and come back
and start the real work.


  • Chris Cannam

    Chris Cannam - 2007-02-06

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Any particular reason you can't save a session that's already laid out the way you want it, then load a new audio file into that?

    A relatively straightforward enhancement which I have considered would be to allow saving a complete session with the audio file reference omitted, as a template. One of the options on loading a new audio file or starting a new session could then be to load it into one of your set of saved templates. This is basically using the existing mechanism for replacing an audio file within a session, but "the other way around".

    Actually, nearly everything in the current development version of SV that is accessible through the menus can in fact be scripted as well, using OSC ( However this will require a build that uses the OSC libraries, and I haven't yet got a Windows build that does. (In fact I haven't got a reliable Windows build at all -- working on that this week.)

  • Craig Stuart Sapp

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    > Any particular reason you can't save a
    > session that's already laid out the
    > way you want it, then load a new audio
    > file into that?

    Yes that works exactly as I want it to. So forget this feature request (at least for now :-)
    I didn't know that the layer data would be recalculated from the plugins, but that is
    what happened when I loaded a new file. I have a habit of not saving the .sv files due to
    a bug in the alpha windows release of SV which i pried out of the hands of Christian,
    but now I will have to start using them :-)


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