
Sussen 0.5 Released

Star Chamber is pleased to announce a new release of Sussen, 0.5. It's
been about a month since the last release and there have been some
important changes made in that time.

The first big change is dropping the embedded MySQL server backend
and converting over to GNOME-DB ( This will allow
you to use a wide range of databases (Oracle,SQL Server,MySQL,Postgres,
and more) for a backend.

We are also making use of the GNOME-DB widgets as well. You can see
an example at:

The other major change is all the networking code was re-written to
use GNet (

Currently GNet doesn't support SSL connections so to use Sussen you
will need to add the following line to your nessusd.conf:

ssl_version = none

Work is being done to implement SSL support in GNet (see gnet-dev
mailing list for more information) and as soon as it's available
we'll enable it in Sussen.

The build system was also re-done and is no longer managed through
Anjuta. This will hopefully fix the issues people were having with
the previous build system.

We have also cleaned up the dependencies on Sussen. In order to build
it now you will require:

- GNOME/Gtk+ v2.2 libraries
- libgda/libgnomedb v0.90.0
- libgnet v2.0.3
- libglade v2.0.1
- libxslt v1.0.31

The rest of the changes were mostly bug fixes and working on making
the sure Sussen conforms to the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG).

More information, screenshots, source code and binaries are avilable from:

Posted by Loren Bandiera 2003-08-05

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