
Editing the FAQ...

Dan Davis
  • Dan Davis

    Dan Davis - 2004-11-13

    Togan, this is a great FAQ site! I'm happy to see someone finally giving SuSE a little lovin'...  :)

    I notice the editing (in English) could be tightened up a bit; I'm making an assumption that English isn't your main language. (Better than me, though; I speak just a small bit of Spanish, enough to get me in trouble!)

    Is there a way I could help by editing the grammar of some of the pages? I didn't want to just re-apply the pages with edits, as I'm not sure how the credits work.

    Otherwise, I'm very happy to see this site! With Novell buying into SuSE Linux, North Americans are starting to feel the same excitement Europeans have known over new SuSE releases. It seems much more polished than Red Hat, and feels more professional than Mandrakelinux. Kudos to all who've pitched in here!


    • Togan Muftuoglu

      Togan Muftuoglu - 2004-11-25

      Well English is not my mother tongue that is true. In regard to the  bad structures of the sentences or misspellings, well the whole site is based on the mailing list. Hence I just cut copy paste and create the XML file. Actually, I never bother to check the grammer or spelling as following the threads which are popular and do provide a correct solution is very time consuming.

      On the other hand I am always open to suggestions and people who are willing to take the extra mile and offer a hand in making this documentation better than it's current   condition.

      Grab the source XML files via CVS and make the corrections. I am assuming you are familiar with Sourceforge procedures. If you are really interested and would like to take the second mile I can with pleasure add your sourceforge ID to the developers list giving you write access as well for the CVS source tree.

      How does this sound so far.


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