
Tree [r4] /

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File Date Author Commit
 LICENSE 2011-01-19 surikator [r1] GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Initial version.
 README 2011-01-22 surikator [r4] Minor change.
 SIGNATURE.asc 2011-01-19 surikator [r3] SIGNATURE. Initial version.

Read Me


Copyright 2009,2010,2011 Sumati Surikator

This file is part of Surikata (

Surikata is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Surikata is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Surikata in the file $SURIKATA/LICENSE, where $SURIKATA
is the root folder of the distribution. If not, see


This software was produced by Sumati Surikator. The author can be
contacted via the email address <>. Surikator's
PGP Public Key is contained in file SIGNATURE.asc in this release.


Surikata ( is a syntactic theory
formation system. It enumerates spaces of artifacts in arbitrary
decidable languages. Given a decision procedure for a language,
Surikata uses compression to search for syntactic patterns in the
space of all accepted strings of the language in order to induce a
probability distribution that will bias the order of the enumeration.
This bias is then used as feedback to bootstrap the enumeration.
Surikata also allows the user to interactively rate observed
strings of the language in order to give them higher importance for the

Some of the **features** include:

+ Automatically form theories in pure Mathematics
	* start from the axioms alone
	* or start from a background mathematical theory and generate related artifacts (definitions, theorems)
	* define your own arbitrary logic and axiomatic system
	* or use pre-packed logics and axiomatic systems (first-order and intuitionistic logic; ZFC axiomatic system)
	* define arbitrary functions to guide the search

+ Interact with the theory formation process
	* rate definitions and theorems as they appear, feeding back to the process
	* add tags or descriptions to the artifacts produced
	* establish links between related concepts
	* write your own artifacts and use them to help theory formation

+ Browse mathematical theories
	* browse your theory through HTML which links each artifact to artifacts used in its proof and to artifacts that make use of it
	* order concepts by particular features
	* filter concepts which satisfy bespoken properties
	* define your own functions to rank concepts; re-use these functions for guiding the automatic search
	* search the produced theory as if you were using a search engine

+ Contribute to the worldwide theory produced by the Surikata network
	* run a Surikata server on your machine, join the Surikata network and share your findings with the community
	* browse the distributed theory scattered around the world as if you were browsing a single theory in your stand-alone copy of Surikata
	* get interesting statistics on how other servers have used your discoveries
	* have your name attached to the discoveries your own server makes and other servers will cite any of your artifacts they use


A repository of version controlled source code will soon be available
for download ( All
system documentation will be available through the project wiki


Contributions from the community are very welcome, be it in the form of
reporting a bug or requesting a feature. Open discussion about the
project is encouraged in the appropriate discussion forum and in
discussion pages of this wiki.

Bug reporting:

Feature request:

Discussion forum:


If you need any help with the Surikata System, either submit a support
request or use the help forum (probably quicker). Always feel free to
email the author at

Support request:

Help forum: