
Tree [261b1b] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 scripts 2011-11-09 droidzone droidzone [261b1b] Added Odex scripts
 README 2011-11-07 droidzone droidzone [40884e] first commit
 README~ 2011-11-07 droidzone droidzone [40884e] first commit
 menu 2011-11-07 droidzone droidzone [50edfd] First commit

Read Me

Welcome to Droidzone's modification of dsixda's Android Kitchen.  
You're free to use it. It is completely unsupported!

Downloading the kitchen:

If you wish to download the latest version from GitHub, simply click on the "Downloads" link on the top right.  An archive of previous versions are also tagged there.

Release notes, setup instructions and FAQ are all found here: