
EasyGL / News: Recent posts

News has now being moved

Basically unless it is main new like a new release all new will be at this address

This is a hosted app by sourceforge and I will have a link to it on the main website. The forum is also if you need help post the question. Also if you have a project that is using EasyGL tell us at the projects section. Even if it is just for the use of the window.... read more

Posted by Wayne Rayner 2010-08-10

Restructuring EasyGL

Hello guys,

I know it's been a long time since I last worked on this project. I'm working on it again and I have decided to restructure the whole project.

The new structure will make it easier for people to read source code and at the same time will be a lot more efficient.

The next version will not be 0.0.3 as this new structure is on different basis to the old structure and therefore the next release will be version 0.1.0... read more

Posted by Wayne Rayner 2010-08-06

New version released

With in the last 10 minutes we have released version 0.0.2. For all of you that means I fairly good working model.

you can use some modified gl functions.

Also with this release we have also released the source code for you.

We hope you like using EasyGL

Wayne Rayner

Posted by Wayne Rayner 2010-05-20

EasyGL Redesign

So if you have had a look at the EasyGL.h file you will know it is a mess along with that it hasn't got much functionality as library yet. So for version 0.0.2 (I made a mistake with the first version number) EasyGL's functions will be slightly redesigned and will be complemented with a couple of new functions.

If anyone would like to participate in the redesign please contact me at read more

Posted by Wayne Rayner 2010-05-19

Yesterday........A Big one for EasyGL

Yesterday was a big day for the EasyGL project. It was released on sourceforge with it's first big release.

But we still need people to help us out, so if you want to help email me at

Also we need someone to make a nice website to be placed on sourceforge.

I hope you enjoy using EasyGL and will continue using it in the future.

We will also like feedback depending on what compiler you use and what OS you use, because it is valuable information.... read more

Posted by Wayne Rayner 2010-05-18