
CustomerBean from the example - is this a well-known class, and where should I get it?

  • EdB

    EdB - 2013-05-10

    Hello - please excuse the rookie question. I'm not familiar with CustomerBean class which appears in from the SuperCSV examples, and google turns up very few references to it, and they seem oddly irrelevant. Is it particular to this example, or something I should know about, or something I can find in a common class? Thanks - Ed

    Sorry, even rookier, replying to my own post, mea culpa, now I see CustomerBean at the bottom of the examples page (though I'm a bit puzzled - Maven displays the code for you, but there's no easy way to download it? If I cut and paste it, I get all the line numbers, too? Is there something everybody else knows about getting code from this that I don't?) Now I'm just looking for the sample input data to go with it, perhaps it's on there somewhere as well? Thanks again, sorry again - Ed


    Last edit: EdB 2013-05-10
  • James Bassett

    James Bassett - 2013-05-10

    Hi, there are heaps of ways to get the example source code :)

    1. The maven-generated test source cross-reference, which I suspect is what you've found, and are having issues with regarding copy/paste and line numbers.

    2. From the subversion web view on SourceForge

    3. Check out the code with subversion (svn checkout svn:// supercsv-code)

    I'd say the quickest way is 2.

  • James Bassett

    James Bassett - 2013-05-10

    Oh, I forgot to mention that not only can you copy/paste from the web view, but there's a link to download the file as well!

  • EdB

    EdB - 2013-05-10

    Ach, yes, you're quite right, on all counts. Cheers for that, sorry for my ignorance, somehow in all these years I've never had occasion to use SourceForge before. But it's really great, once you know (a bit about) what you're doing! Thanks again - Ed