

George Hollich alecristia

This is the homage of SuperCoder (remixed version)

Notes on how to compress video to work with the 2005 version (as well as other tips and tricks) will go here.

Project Admins:

Compressing video:

Method 1: Use imovie to capture video then export for iPod.

Method 2: Use ffmpeg to batch-convert video:
1. Install ffmpeg on your mac:
2. The following set of parameters have worked in the past. Try copying and pasting the following line, replacing the input and output video and changing the input extension if need be.
ffmpeg -i INPUTNAME.EXT -r 25 -qscale 1 -s qvga OUTPUTNAME.avi

Analyzing the output:

Method 1: Use the accompanying macro WEBSITE HERE

Method 2: Download the from here:
and unzip (instructions inside).

Random Q&A

Q: there's something weird going on with skipping of frames. It advances 1 frame for 3 frames, and then skips 3 frames on the 4th.
A: There may be something wrong with the frame rate: Typical supercoder operates on 30fps, but there's a PAL version available if your vids are 25fps. If that is not it, then your movie may not be formatted right. Try re-exporting it again.

Q: I do 1 back arrow and 1 forward arrow and you don't arrive at the same frame.
A: This is a frame rate issue. Try re-exporting the video again.

Q: What does supercoder do if the off-line coding shows the infant looked away for more than 2 sec. but the trial went on (because on-line coding was less than 2 sec away)? Does it consider the trial is finished or does it continue the off-line coding? In the home-made coding software we used before, the coding finished and the coder would jump to the next trial. By contrast, in Lincoln you can just continue the off-line coding.
A: Supercoder per se doesn't do any such calculations, it just writes down onset and offsets of trials and looks, but doesn't check anything. In fact, you can even have trial onset at say 300 frames, then a look from frame 270 to 320, and it won't tell you that this is ridiculous, it'll just count a 50 frame look in that trial. This part of the process would be handled by your analysis routine.

Q: Supercoder appears to load the movie, but it's all black and obviously doesn't work.
A: Install perian:

Q: Supercoder does not want to open the avi videos. I manage to open the videos themselves in vlc player, but not through supercoder. is there a trick?
A: Probably not the right kind of video format. .mov is recommended, but it has happened to me that a .mov does not work, whereas a .avi does. Try re-exporting it again.