
SuperClass / News: Recent posts


SuperClass development has stopped. Abandoned in favor of a much improved NG version, namely JSClass.

Posted by Bart Bizon 2001-11-16


Documentation has been slightly delayed, as the priority right now is to get packages and importing classes finished.

However, I do not know how badly documentation is needed, or what else is of interest...
So I'm asking for you to inform me , so that I can prioritize accordingly.
After all, the goal is to get developers to build libraries/API:s with SuperClass!

So please, do post suggestions/requests/questions in the project forums.... read more

Posted by Bart Bizon 2001-04-19

ErrorChecker module

Error checking code is now externalized and released as a separate module (both bundled with SuperClass and seperately). Now possible to have any number of modules to tie in with SuperClass.

Benefits include:
1. Smaller file size
2. More comprehensive errorchecking.

Posted by Bart Bizon 2001-04-14


The next thing that will be incorporated into SuperClass is the ability to hook up modules.

This will enable better compile-time error checking for instance, as you will be able to have the error code external, and make it very comprehensive (==big).

The modules will work simply by adding a short statement in the code, which will download the appropriate module.

***The Creator***

Posted by Bart Bizon 2001-04-04

Major update

A major update is coming soon. This project is still very much in beta and untested, and undocumented, so try it at your own risk, but that should be remedied soon.

Posted by Bart Bizon 2001-03-25