
Refering to Variables in XPath Expression

M. Lischka
  • M. Lischka

    M. Lischka - 2007-09-04


    I would like to specify some policies, where the XPath of an AttributeDesignator contains a variable. This variable should be defined in the policy.
    As XACML should support XPATH fully this should be possible. Until know I have not seen anything in this direction, be it in the docs or the code.

    Could somebody give me a hint, where to look at.

    Kind regards,

    • Seth Proctor

      Seth Proctor - 2007-09-05

      Hi Mario. I think you're asking about using *AttributeSelectors* not AttributeDesignators, right?

      I'm not entirely sure what you're asking about. It sounds like you want some kind of dynamic element of an XPath expression where some part of the expression would be based on a valu from the policy or context. Is that right?

      There is nothing in the XACML specification that allows for modifying expressions the way that you're asking, but you should be able to support something like this either via a custom function or (probably a better idea) with an AttributeFinderModule. How exactly do want to specify or include the "variable" that you're planning to use here?



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