
Tree [r3] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 README 2009-12-31 pavansss91 [r2] Adding README Documentation
 sundb.php 2010-04-09 pavansss91 [r3] Fixed Indentation properly

Read Me

Beware of line Number 20. It may give Errors


 //charset for your database
 $charset = "utf-8";

 //connection params

 //error handling

 //If you are using an error class named "errorclass" with a function in it name "set" to set error
 $error = array("errorclass","set");

 //If you are using an error function (not a part of error class) named "errorfunction"
 $error = array("errorfunction");

 //If you want the script to die set die flag in class to true. for throwing new exception set it to false.

 $db = new sundb($charset, $connection, $error);

 //To get a row in object
 $resobj = $db->getone("select * from @ where field1=# and field2=#",array(tablename,var1,var2)); 

 //To get a row in array after querying you need to set the third param as false.
 $resarr = $db->getone("select * from @ where field1=# and field2=#",array(tablename,var1,var2),false);
 //To count records
 $res = $db->countrecs("field1=# and field2=#",array(tablename,var1,var2));

 //To get one field  LIMIT 0,1
 $red = $db->getfield("field1=# and field2=#",array(tablename,var1,var2),fieldname);
 //To get all rows as objects in a big array
 $res = $db->getall("select * from @ where field1=# and field2=#",array(tablename,var1,var2));
 //To execute a query
 $db->query("update @ set field1=# where field2=#",array(tablename,var1,var2));
Also Check
