
logViewSQL / News: Recent posts

Maintenance Release Soon

I know it has been a long time since this project saw some activity so I have decided that there will be a maintenance release in the next few months.

Some changes will include filtering of non-matching table structures to avoid errors, removal of the Register_Globals PHP requirement, small bug fixes and testing with mod_log_sql 1.9+ on Apache 2.

Posted by Fritz 2004-09-18

Pre-alpha 4 released

The next release of my log analysis tool for mod_log_mysql has been released. Get it from the download page as there are some very useful additions.

Posted by Fritz 2003-03-20

Pre-Alpha 3 released

After a long period (due to a few events in my life), there has been a bit of a delay getting this release out.

This release adds intelligent table handling, date limiting on results (not global yet), summary stats and a few other enhancments.

Posted by Fritz 2002-12-29

pre-alpha3 soon

Work has been progressing slowly latley but rest assured that a pre-alph3 will appear some time in the next few fortnights.

New features will include daily stats, summary (top 10 style) stats as well as intelligent table testing.

Posted by Fritz 2002-11-16

Pre-alpha 2 released

Pre-alpha 2 has been released featuring some bug fixes plus enhancments. Search is now fixed and there are numerous changes to certain pages. This release also cross links database tables if possible.

Posted by Fritz 2002-10-22

Pre-Alpha 2 soon

Pre-Alpha 2 of Apache-logViewSQL will be out soon. Updates include configurable filtering of result sets, browser identification and a few other optimisations.

Posted by Fritz 2002-10-09

First Survey

The first survey is now up for you participation.

Posted by Fritz 2002-10-04

CVS Repository up

The CVS repository now contains the pre-pre-alpha2 code for Apache-logViewSQL. That is code that is slated for the pre-alpha2 release.

This version contains user setable intelligent filtering rules on some of the inital components (not all yet)

Posted by Fritz 2002-10-03

Apache-logViewSQL pre alpha released

The pre-alpha version of my first PHP project has been released. It interfaces with apache mod_log_sql and provides realtime viewing of apache log statistics provided by the mod_log_sql plugin.

Posted by Fritz 2002-09-30

Project Initiated

Alright, this project has been officially initiated. I have pre-alpha quality code that only provides a small portion of the functionality I want before I initally release. Enhancments are happening quicker than I thought and I anticipate that a release will occur within the next month.

Posted by Fritz 2002-09-26