
Sugar Open Source 4.5 Now Available For Download

Sugar Open Source 4.5 GA
September 6, 2006

The Sugar Team is pleased to bring you the generally available (GA) release of Sugar Open Source 4.5.

For more information on this release, please see the Sugar Open Source 4.5 Release Notes.

New in Sugar 4.5

Here are some additions and improvements new with version 4.5.

Personalized Home Pages

Individuals can change the look of the homepage by simply dragging and dropping items based on relevance, allowing users to more quickly view and access their most important information.

Integrated Forums

Threaded discussions integrated into Sugar modules improves information sharing on any topic (e.g. Selling Tips and Tricks, Support Issues, etc.) across Accounts, Bugs, Cases, Opportunities, and Projects.

User Interface Improvements

Global search, saved searches, quick and inline adds and edits create a more streamlined user experience.

New Features for Administrators

Sugar Studio Enhancements

Improved Sugar Studio for code-free customizations, backup and restore functionality, including error handling and recovery mechanisms simplifies SugarCRM administration.

Record Merge

Merge duplicate records from different views within the SugarCRM application.


Enhanced support for multi-byte character sets and UTF-8 ensure international users can store and retrieve data in virtually any language.

Microsoft Support

Support for Microsoft products such as Microsoft SQL Server so Microsoft customers can deploy SugarCRM on their existing technology infrastructure.


We hope you enjoy the new functionality, improved performance and scalability and all the little usability improvements we put into the 4.5 release. This has truly been our best release yet!

The Sugar Team

Posted by sugarclint 2006-09-12

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