


Sudoku! 1.42

Load sudoku.xla, you will see a menu. In excel 2007 it is placed under the Addins tab.
(If not, you must enable macro's)

Make/copy a sudoku puzzle
Press New, select a template. Copy the puzzle digits from magazine or newspaper, press Mark.
New: opens a sudoku template
Mark: marks every not empty cell as part of the puzzle. (with no marked cells, otherwise it marks/unmarks the selected cells.)
Erase: will erase not marked cells - your solution of the puzzle.
Test: checks for double used digts, empty cells, more then one digit in a cell, and if the digits/characters used are a allowed in this sudoku puzzle.

Solve the puzzle
You can use Celtip or Digit to help you. Or press Solve/Unique/Combination to solve the puzzle for you.
In the context menu there are also some Sudoku! helpers : Digits, Combination, Answer.
Celtip: color tip for easy to solve cells.
Digit: an answer for one of those cells.
Solve/Unique: solves the puzzle with that method. if no succes the other method is used for 1 digit.
Combination: puzzle will be solved by striping digits and digits combinations, also searches for unique digits/cells.

Create/generate a puzzle
Press New and select a template. Press Create to generate a new puzzle. Or manualy: enter a digit, Mark it, and press Calc.

Calc: as Combination but if the puzzle can not be solved the calculated result - a list of possible digits left - is placed in each cell. Select a cell, enter one of those digits, mark the cell as part of the puzzle, and press Calc again.

Create: automaticly generates a puzzle as described above.

Cleanup: often the generated puzzle is to easy to solve. Cleanup will unmark a random cell and check if the puzzle is still solvable. Serveral attemps are made. You can do this also manualy, unmark a digit as a part of the puzzle. Press Level to check is the puzzle is still solveable.

In case the generated puzzle is to difficult : have it solved by Combination, then Mark a cell so that is a part of the puzzle and not the solution. Press Level to check how difficult the puzzle is.
Easier: mark al lot of cells - or even the whole puzzle - and then press Cleanup. You can also use this method if you don't like the layout of the generated puzzle.


Check: puzzle is solved by using only puzzle (marked) digits, your answer is compared with the calculated answer.

CheckIt: installs the caclculated answer in conditional format.
Note: works only correctly if your excel version is english or dutch and did not change windows country settings (list seperator must be comma).

Level: puzzle is solved by using only puzzle (marked) digits, the solution (unmarked) digits are not used.
Level returns the number of digits in the combination.

Sudoku! menubar
Active sheet/workbook must have a Sudoku! signature otherwise the menubar will be disabled.
If VBA has crashed the menubar stays disabled or enabled. Press Sudoku! to enable excel events again, that will also enable the menu (if a sudoku sheet/workbook is active).
The sudoku templates already have a Sudoku!signature. If you want to create your own template, see Sudoku!, tabs Info and Setup.

Context menu : sudoku tips
In the context menu there is a choice 'Sudoku tips' , the submenus are only active above a sudoku puzzle in a sudoku! sheet/workbook.

Digits: list of digits still possible in that cell (using the stripe method)

Combination: list calculated with the combination method (using all digits in the game)

Answer: calculated with the combination method using only puzzle digits (not solution digits) .
Hint: Answer can also be used to make a puzzle more difficult. The answer is calulated as if the cell was empty. If answer returns only 1 digit you can unmark the cell and the puzzle will still be solveable.



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