
Problems with odd subtitle characters if the movie is viewed on a standalone DVD/BluRay

Art Silva
  • Art Silva

    Art Silva - 2020-05-11


    I have this problem for "ages": when I watch videos on one of my laptops/desktops, Mac or Windows, the subtitles (in any format) have a "normal" behaviour.
    But, when I watch the same videos on a standalone Samsung DVD/BluRay, using a USB pen (2GB, 8GB, 16GB or 64GB),the subtitles have this "strange" characters, many times. The subtitles are UTF-8 coded, but some of them behave "normally", some of them don't, even when in the same format (usually .srt).

    I'm trying to understand this for many years, but I never found a logical reason for this.

    That's why I ask this group. I believe there are some "pro's" here, who can enlighten me with invaluable help, which can solve my problem.

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    All the best


  • Gab Arito

    Gab Arito - 2020-05-11

    To determine the exact cause of that, it would be necessary a piece of the problem showing what characters are affected.

    I bet that the problem occurs on extended characters, i.e., 1252 coding or other.

    Some players can detect subs coding and show them accordingly, like those you're using on laptop.
    Some others can't.

    I suspect that your other device (Samsung) is expecting an ASCII coding for the subtitle.
    Suggestion: convert the subs to ASCII and try again.


    Last edit: Gab Arito 2020-05-11
  • Art Silva

    Art Silva - 2020-05-11

    First things first: THANK YOU for your reply. I appreciate it very much.

    I'm not a "techie" on the subtitles subject. I only know how to synchronize subtitles and that's almost all.
    About characters: the odd behaviour only happens when there are "specific" and "special" characters of my own language (Portuguese). For instance, on the "ã", or "á", or "à", or "ç", these are "substituted" for strange characters, making it a lot difficult to read.

    So, I have some questions, regarding your suggestions:
    a) what is a 1252 coding?
    b) what is a ASCII coding?
    c) and how do I change the coding? Whose apps do you recommend to me, in order to change the coding? How do I see in which coding the subtitles were made?

    I hope this is not too much work for you, and I appologise for not understand what seems the basic skills of subtile making/reading.

    Thanks again
    Best regards



    Last edit: Art Silva 2020-05-11
  • Gab Arito

    Gab Arito - 2020-05-11

    To solve your problem without delays, try this to convert your subs:
    Choose Windows 1252 for output charset.

    To better understanding about charset coding, GYIF (Google Is Your Friend):

  • Art Silva

    Art Silva - 2020-05-11

    Great! Thank you!

    I will try and see how it goes.
    And then I return here, to give you my feedback


  • Art Silva

    Art Silva - 2020-05-11

    OK, I tried to watch it after I encoded in Windows 1252... and the problem continues...
    Any advice?


  • Art Silva

    Art Silva - 2020-05-11

    I noticed that, on the original .srt, when I open it on a text app, all the text is right, with the "special" characters appearing with no hassle.
    On the contrary, the 1252 one, appears with all the errors that I see on the TV, but on the text app!


  • Gab Arito

    Gab Arito - 2020-05-11

    Bring your srt and I'll see it.
    Put it as an attachment.
    It may be a small part, just a sample.

  • Art Silva

    Art Silva - 2020-05-12

    OK, I attach the "original" srt and the converted "1252" srt.
    And I also attach a "screen", where you can see the "original", on the left, with all characters appearing correctly, and the "1252", on the right, with the special "portuguese" characters all wrong and messed up.

    Thank you, once more, for your kindness.


  • Gab Arito

    Gab Arito - 2020-05-12

    Thank you for the samples.

    I tested them here and everything went fine.
    If I adjust my player (Gom Player) to UTF-8, your sample "" showed the right coding.
    If I adjust my player to ASCII, your sample "" showed the right coding.

    You can view it at attachment #1.

    If I adjust my player to UTF-8, your sample "" showed wrong coding. Atachment #2.
    If I adjust my player to ASCII, your sample "" showed wrong coding. Atachment #3.

    So, my bet is you are confusing incorrect settings or your players are having problem to detect and/or display the right thing.

    I noticed that your samples are in UNIX format, not DOS one.
    It means, among other things, that the ENTER command are different.
    DOS uses carriage return and line feed ("\r\n") as a line ending, which Unix uses just line feed ("\n").
    You need to be careful about transferring files between Windows machines and Unix machines to make sure the line endings are translated properly.

    I convert your samples to DOS format (atachments # 4 and #5).
    Try them to see if it works.


    Last edit: Gab Arito 2020-05-12
  • Art Silva

    Art Silva - 2020-05-12


    While both "yours" srt's show the "strange" characters on my laptop screen (Mac), the fact is the "original" doesn't work on the BluRay player, but "yours" "1252"... WORKS!

    So, please, tell me how should I fix the problem for good:
    a) Shall I download the subtitles, using Windows computers?
    b) What's the best Windows app to deal with subtitles, in your opinion?

    Thank you very much for having the patience to enlighten me on these subjects.

    Best regards


  • Gab Arito

    Gab Arito - 2020-05-12

    Download subtitles and be sure if they are in 1252 (ANSI - Latino I) encoding.
    Adjust your devices (if they allow it) accordingly (1252 or UTF-8).
    If your files were UTF-8 or 1252, convert them as required by devices.

    Subtitle Workshop had a bigger update after Kameleon had join into the project

    Subtitle Edit is other great software:

  • Art Silva

    Art Silva - 2020-05-13

    Thank you.
    I'll follow your app suggestions and try to know the one which suits me best.
    Using them and "webutils" will fix my problems, for sure.

    All the best, my friend
    Stay safe!




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