Files/Folders with special characters will not appear since I updated to 4.9
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Hey. Since I updated subsonic to 4.9 version, I may not see files or folders which includes special characters. By special characters I mean : éàûç°ù..
Is there something wrong on my machine or is it a software bug?
Thank you.
platform: iOs 6 and Windows 7 Home premium PC
bug 106, was tested.
Isolated the problem. Tested the special characters. They are just categorized as a hashtag in the menu. That means, you can actuallly upload and see songs and folders that include/ start with special characters ( used the ones the user sent in, the swedish "åäö", greek symbols and alt key combinations). The only difference is that the folders starting with a Latin symbol from A-Z are shown in alphabetical order, and the ones starting with the above mentioned test-symbols are shown in a hashtag category.
I'm using Subsonic running on Ubuntu server 12.04 with the built-in webapp, and i'm not getting those files at all. They're not even in hashtag folder.
When I speak about files and folder, I dont mean top folders, I mean folders/files inside topfolders.