
Streaming Transformations for XML (STX) / News: Recent posts

Joost 20050521 released

There's another maintenance release of the Java STX processor Joost available, see

Posted by Oliver Becker 2005-05-21

XML::STX 0.43 released

An updated version of XML::STX has been uploaded to CPAN. This version is supposed to be the last one in the current development branch; the processor is going to be rewritten nearly from the scratch now.

Posted by Petr Cimprich 2004-12-22

Joost 20041107 is available

A new version of the STX processor Joost has been released. Have a look at Joost's homepage

Oliver Becker

Posted by Oliver Becker 2004-11-07

Working Draft 1 July 2004 available

A significantly updated working draft of STX 1.0 specification is available. The changes move STX closer to XPath2. The STX data model is derived from the XQuery/XPath2 data model, and STXPath is derived from XPath2 now.

Posted by Petr Cimprich 2004-10-08

CVS: examples moved

This information is important for those users who have their own CVS sandbox of the STX project.

The stx/stx/examples subdirectory was moved up one level (now stx/examples), the additional stx/stx subdirectory has been removed.

That means after updating your CVS you may safely remove the stx/stx subdirectory from your sandbox.

Posted by Oliver Becker 2003-05-30

Working Draft 5 May 2003 published

An updated working draft of STX 1.0 specification has been published. There are significant changes in matching, inclusions, options and functions. STXPath has been simplified.

Posted by Petr Cimprich 2003-05-05

Working Draft January 14 2003 available

Working Draft January 14 2003 has been made available.

Posted by Petr Cimprich 2003-01-14

Working Draft 1 November 2002 published

STX Working Draft has been updated.

Posted by Petr Cimprich 2002-11-05

Homepage updated

The official STX homepage has been moved to SF.

Posted by Petr Cimprich 2002-09-20

Spec turned to XMLspec

The STX spec has been converted from POD to XMLspec. The new version is avilable as v0.08.

Posted by Petr Cimprich 2002-09-20

draft 0.05 available

A new version of the draft specs is in CVS.

Posted by Petr Cimprich 2002-05-17

draft 0.04 in CVS

language specification draft v0.04 has been committed to CVS

Posted by Petr Cimprich 2002-05-06

working draft in CVS

The language specification working draft (v0.02) has been uploaded to CVS.

Posted by Petr Cimprich 2002-03-07