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File Date Author Commit
 sources 2015-09-23 Pierre-Marie Plans Pierre-Marie Plans [92e9e4] updates
 COPYING 2014-06-19 pplans pplans [7c4c90] Initial commit
 COPYING.LESSER 2014-06-19 pplans pplans [7c4c90] Initial commit
 Makefile 2014-07-29 pplans pplans [c1d25f] Added the jpeg reading and MTL format parsing i...
 README 2014-10-27 Pierre-Marie Plans Pierre-Marie Plans [9dbda9] README up

Read Me


Glut library
OpenGL library
PThread library
Libjpeg library
PCRE library
stdmath library

use 'make' to compile the code

use rayt binary with a .obj file in unique argument, that .obj file have to be with his .mtl on the same directory.
You could use stupidRT format too as file in argument. Example of use: ./rayt buddha/buddha.obj

Known problems:
1/ Seg faults after a redraw.
It is due to overwriting the heap. I have ideas to solve that by keep every basicobject on a single array and just put references on the 'kdtree'.

2/ Some triangles are not drawed.
Yes, I don't know actually why it is happening but I am working on it.

3/ Making the rays is very slow...
Yes, I didn't parallelized that thing. This is in prevision.

4/ Colour lights are not taken into account.
Yes, another problem to solve then.

5/ There are no windows version for the moment.
This is in the todo-list.

6/ Another problem is that in some configurations, the scene is not printing.
You will have a black screen and still have console outputs telling you everything is fine.
The console is right, the scene is rendered but freeglut seems to have problems with the actual solution.
This is a major point I have to take into account the next days.

Thank you and good tests !