
MockStrutsTestCase web.xml parse error

  • bob macaluso

    bob macaluso - 2009-03-26

    Hi All,
      Trying to implement MockStrutsTestCase inside Eclipse but cannot get past paring error listed below.

    Any ideas?

    1. Script Segment
    public class TestLoginAction extends MockStrutsTestCase {
    public void testSuccessfulLogin() {

    2. The error
    SEVERE: Parse Error at line 5 column 15: Document root element "web-app", must match DOCTYPE root "null".
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document root element "web-app", must match DOCTYPE root "null".

    3. my web.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app xmlns=""

    • Carl Ballantyne

      Carl Ballantyne - 2009-04-22

      I get this as well but MockStrutsTestCase seems to truck on and parses the rest of the web.xml file. I guess because the elements I have are the same as they would be in a 2.3 web.xml file. So you might be able to just ingore this like I am.

      This seems to be because in 2.4 they changed to schemas. MockStrutsTestCase looks for the 2.3 dtd which is packaged with Struts. But if Struts don´t package the 2.4 xsd the StrutsTestCase can´t reference it to use when parsing so just uses the latest .... 2.3. I don´t know enough about the process so there could be a whole different process involved when parsing using a schema versus a dtd.


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