Johan Isacsson - 2002-09-10


I have modified the verifyForwardPath method on ion the latest CVS version (1.13).
The reason i did this was because it didn't try to get the tiles forward path if it is an input path. Here is my modified verion of the method:

     * Verifies that ActionServlet used this logical forward or input mapping.
     * @throws AssertionFailedError if expected and actual paths do not match.
    protected static void verifyForwardPath(ActionServlet actionServlet, String actionPath, String forwardName, String actualForwardPath, boolean isInputPath, HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext context, ServletConfig config) {
        if ((forwardName == null) && (isInputPath)) {
            forwardName = actionServlet.findMapping(actionPath).getInput();
            if (forwardName == null)
                throw new AssertionFailedError("no input mapping defined!");
        if (!isInputPath) {
            ActionForward expectedForward = actionServlet.findMapping(actionPath).findForward(forwardName);
            if (expectedForward == null)
                expectedForward = actionServlet.findForward(forwardName);
            if (expectedForward == null)
                throw new AssertionFailedError("Cannot find forward '" + forwardName + "'  - it is possible that it is not mapped correctly.");
            forwardName = expectedForward.getPath();

        String tilesForward = getTilesForward(forwardName, request, context, config);
        if (tilesForward != null)
            forwardName = tilesForward;
        forwardName = request.getContextPath() + forwardName;
        if (!forwardName.equals(stripJSessionID(actualForwardPath)))
            throw new AssertionFailedError("was expecting '" + forwardName + "' but received '" + actualForwardPath + "'");