
"Cannot resolve symbol" during Ant Compile

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-12-16

    I cannot get Ant to recognize the classes.  I've placed the strutstest.jar in the ant/lib folder, so ant should be able to see it.  I've also placed the .jar in the classpath without any resolution.

    I have other JUnit and other processes running with Ant without any poblems, so I'm sure the setup is fine.

    I'm not a Java newbie either.

    Any suggestions from those with experience using MockStrutsTestCase?

    • Deryl Seale

      Deryl Seale - 2002-12-16

      Umm, perhaps you'd like to share with us some more details about your problem?  Like, say, the symbol that the compiler cannot resolve?

      And if this is a compilation problem, how is your CLASSPATH set for the <javac> task in your build.xml file?



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