

  • CT NAZ

    CT NAZ - 2008-09-27

    where can i find stripe snoop 2.0???

    • Denver Gingerich

      Stripe Snoop 2.0 is available in CVS.  You can download it using the instructions under "Anonymous CVS Access" at:

      But you will have to compile Stripe Snoop from source if you check it out from CVS.

      If you prefer to use a ready-made binary, your best bet is to use version 1.6 instead.  It is available on the Download page:

      Is there any particular reason you want to use version 2.0?  Version 1.6 should do most of the things that 2.0 does.

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-09-29

      thought it was the last version. also i have trouble with the hardware project..why in the pic with all the wires connected to the game port there r so many wires..aint there suppose to be 4 only volt grd clock and data??? i have the same omron..can u give me noob intructions pls???

      • Denver Gingerich

        Do you mean the following picture?

        You don't need to connect all the wires shown there.  You only need to connect 4 wires, as you said, which is demonstrated in this picture:

        I have used these instructions before to successfully attach a magstripe reader to my gameport.

        Are the instructions at not simple enough?  Those are pretty much the simplest instructions for making a reader that reads the raw bits off the magnetic stripe.  There are serial and USB magstripe readers that are ready to plug in to your computer, but they don't give you the raw bits.

        Keep your eyes open on the Stripe Snoop forums and mailing list.  I am working on an easy way to send raw bits from a magnetic stripe reader through USB without requiring any soldering.

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-09-29

      yea those are the pic and instructions...i have all the parts needed just wanted to know why are there so many cables if you only need 4. clock,ground,data and +5v..ihave a 505c usb reader and a mini 600 portable reader also. just wanted to put this little project to work with stripe snoop.can u give me details on all the cables going to the db-15 i have the same omron V3A-4K. so any help will be appreciated..tnxs

      • Denver Gingerich

        Here is a diagram showing which pins on the DB-15 adapter correspond to which wires on the magstripe reader:

        The datasheet for the V3A-4K will show you which pins correspond to Clock, Data, GND, and +5V.  This information is on page 3 under the "Single Track Connector" section at:

        That should give you everything you need to know in order to create the gameport adapter.  Let me know if you have any other questions.

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-09-29

      i have all the diagrams and the data sheet..used the single track connector from the data sheet. but the question is why does your final pic of the finished connector have so many wires?? i soldered the data,ground,clock amd 5v to the reader pins 1 ,2 5, and pin 1 the ground???and then soldered to the db 15 like the

      • Denver Gingerich

        You can ignore the final picture with all pins soldered to wires.  It is unnecessary for you to connect all the pins to wires.  You just need to connect the 4 pins listed in the diagram.

        Yes, pin 1 on the V3A-4K is ground.  Your other wiring seems correct, as long as you're following the diagram and datasheet.

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-09-29

      the other part that im a little conf is this...making sure you are using the CLK/DATA pair for Track 2 if you reader supports multiple tracks..those r intruccions from here the pins from the data sheet are correct?? 1 is ground  2 is 5v 5 is clock and 6 is data??and can i use any sound card or soundblaster is better??

      • Denver Gingerich

        As far as I know, the pins you mentioned from the data sheet are correct.  I've never tried using a sound card to read magnetic stripes, though I've heard several people say it works well.  Personally, I would stick with the gameport option if you have one.

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-09-29

      yea thats what i mean...the game port fron the soundblaster sound card...thks for the help..

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-09-30

      i di the whole project
      installed the  sound card did the conector everything conected ok,,but the reader doesnt want to read ..just says waiting for card...did the led test on the ground and the 5v and it turned on on the sound card and the reader..what can it be???

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-09-30

      well i dont know if its connected or what..but all i get is...first it was closing when i swiped so i ran under run, cmd and all i get is no valid track II..tried 20 difrent cards...even made a few from the samples,,my standard gamport i/o is 0201 - 0201 under windows xp pro..any help???

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-09-30

      well got it to work finally but just as i thought..its out of date!!!

      got  this:

      card contents:5466 2640 0038 ect

      possibly a "master credit card"
      expires august ect
      issue bank: unknown

      unknowns found - this card contains data that has not yet benn decoded.
      specificaly: issue=ing bank prefix is unknown, encrypted pin existance or location is unknown.
      please contact the developer so they can improve the program....

      is there an update or other software that is up to date

      • Denver Gingerich

        You are getting that warning message because "5466" is not in mastercard-pre.txt.  If you want, you can add all the Mastercard prefixes to mastercard-pre.txt, which are listed at:

        There are a few developers that are able to change the Stripe Snoop source code on SourceForge so you might be able to get one of them to put your updates in the next release (I'm not one of them), but in all likelihood there won't be another release because the maintainer, Acidus, has abandoned the project.  I've tried contacting him so that he can transfer maintainership to someone else, but he's been unresponsive.  You can try contacting him yourself at one of the following pages which he seems to be active on:

        I will be making a program like Stripe Snoop in the next few months, which will include all of the Mastercard prefixes on Wikipedia.  If you can wait until then for the prefixes to get into a major software release, I would suggest doing that.  For now, you can add them to mastercard-pre.txt and try to contact Acidus or one of the developers about updating Stripe Snoop with the information.

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-10-01

      help..i need an update!!??

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-10-03

      how do i add them...and will it help with the other,adress,pin # ect???

      • Denver Gingerich

        You add them by opening mastercard-pre.txt, which is in the same directory as ss.exe.  Then you add the prefix (5466) along with a description of what kind of card that prefix represents, using the same format as the other entries in that file.  Once mastercard-pre.txt is updated, you will see the description of your card appear when you swipe your card.

        For credit cards, addresses are not usually stored on the magnetic stripe.  Names are stored, but not on Track 2, which is what your V3A-4K reads.  Names are stored on Track 1 and use a different encoding (ALPHA), which Stripe Snoop 1.6 does not support.  If you want to read the bits from Track 1, you need to use the multi-track modification:

        To convert the bits into text, you will need to write a program or wait for me to finish the project I'm working on that will read Track 1, which should be done within the next few months.

        Credit card companies and banks sometimes store an encrypted version of your PIN on Track 2, which Stripe Snoop will tell you about.

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-10-03

      i did the 3 track modification...i looking foward for your new software...i also have a usb MSR505C Reader/Writer so i hope your software works with it better..yea some cards i get the encrypted pin..but it gives me like 6 digits..does your software reads the encrypted pin?

      • Denver Gingerich

        I'm not sure how my software will handle the sequence of bits that Stripe Snoop calls the encrypted PIN.  That segment of the magstripe doesn't necessarily contain a PIN; it is "Discretionary Data" according to ISO 7813:

        I don't intend to write a tool to decrypt PINs into my software.  If you want to try doing that, read the following:

    • CT NAZ

      CT NAZ - 2008-10-06

      when u finish the software pls send me a email or pm....

      • Denver Gingerich

        Sure.  Just send me an e-mail using my contact form to let me know what your e-mail address is:

        This goes for anyone who is interested in getting an e-mail when I release my magstripe decoding software.


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