
Omron-3S4YR-HNFR serial card reader - Help...

  • Pals

    Pals - 2008-11-02

    Dear members:

    Recently purchased this Omron's 3S4YR-HNFR1-002 black card reader from ebay ( supposed to read all 3 tracks).  This has a serial port D (female) connector cable from the reader . I used ss1.6AlphaWindowsInstaller  in Windows XP m/c. I used the
    "ss -2 -P 0x3F9" command in the command line.
    I'm getting Port!, Waiting for card... but no response for my swipes with different credit card that I have :-(.

    I tried other track numers 1 and 3 too and also tried with 0x3f8, the port address :-(

    The complete specification of the card is in the following link:

    I have other problems in compiling the source files seperately in Visual C++ 6.0. It gives an error "RC : fatal error RC1110 : could not open D:\Documents and Settings\pals\Desktop\snoop\Script1.rc. If I create a dummy file, then it says Parser.cpp not found. If I copy it from version 1.5, then it gives 25 more errors. Not sure where I'm going wrong.

    I also tried it using as a hyber terminal with 9600, 8N1, no hardware or software. That also does not excite the reader though...

    Appreciate your help very much in resolving my state.

    Thanks in advance,

    • Pals

      Pals - 2008-11-03


      In the Screen Shots page (, it mentions that Version 2.0 s/w supports serial based readers. Does any one of you know as where to download the V2.0, to experiment with my reader ?.

      "Version 2.0 Preview  - This is a preview of the upcoming Stripe Snoop 2.0 release. The database is now multi-track aware, and Stripe Snoop support Magtek and other serial based readers. Here, Stripe Snoop is using a Serial based reader. It reads all the tracks, auto-detects the different character sets, and performs a look up in the database"

      Eagerly await your reply...


      • Denver Gingerich

        You can download the work so far on Stripe Snoop 2.0 from CVS:

        If you have trouble compiling that, start another thread on the Help forum or send a message to the stripesnoop-develop mailing list.

        The current code for Stripe Snoop 2.0 appears to include serial reader support.  I've never used it myself, though, so I don't know if it actually works.  If you have your reader working fine with HyperTerminal but it doesn't work with Stripe Snoop 2.0, let us know.

    • Denver Gingerich

      As far as I know, Stripe Snoop 1.6 does not support serial readers.  The port option is only useful for specifying a parallel port or gameport that the reader is connected to.  Serial ports use a different method of data transfer that is not compatible with the way Stripe Snoop 1.6 works.

      The likely reason that HyperTerminal is not working for you is that you are using the wrong parity setting.  The datasheet you mentioned says that your reader uses even parity (see the "Interface Method" section on page 2) but you are trying to use no parity (the 'N' in "8N1").  Try with even parity and it should work.  If not, try different combinations of hardware and software flow control.

    • Pals

      Pals - 2008-11-05

      Thanks Denver for your help.

      Yes, I did get the compilation error, similar to the one posted earlier ( year 2005 :-()in this thread:

      Initially gave error for getopt() function; later gave invalid or corrupt inpout32.lib file. If I use earlier version of this file, I get dons of errors. Cluless!.

      Any body has successfully compiled in Windows XP ???, please give your suggestions...

      In the Hypertext front, still experimenting ( even parity noted. Thanks Denver!). Will update, if there's any progress.

      • Denver Gingerich

        I'm not sure if using Stripe Snoop 2.0 is even necessary for you.  The magstripe reader you have already decodes the bits for you.  All that Stripe Snoop 2.0 would do is tell you which part of the string is a name, birth date, etc.  But it's not that hard to do that yourself.  Just look at the screenshots (the "Card Contents" string is what your reader will give you):

        You can see that it's fairly easy to pick out the information from credit cards and driver's licenses.  Is there some type of card that you think will be more complex or a particular type of data that is hard to pick out that you want to know?

        Your primary objective should be getting your reader working with HyperTerminal or another serial interfacing program.  Once that's done, you can get the decoded characters from the magstripe reader and then see how easy it is to pick out the data you're looking for.

    • Pals

      Pals - 2008-11-07


      I'm still unable to get it working in the hyper terminal:-(. Tried all the possible combinations / settings, with no luck so far. Now, I'm suspecting my reader whether it has any fault. In the mean time I'm also trying out other serial reader programs that are available on the web.

      Any body else having ideas to circumvent this suitation are most welcome to give their feedback.

      Thanks, Pals.

      • Denver Gingerich

        Have you tried other serial devices with HyperTerminal, such as a GPS device or a serial dial-up modem?  It is possible that your serial port is at fault, but we could rule that out if other serial devices work.

        Let us know how other terminal programs work out for you.

        If you want to read a wide range of cards, a TTL reader like the Omron V3A-4K is probably a better option for you since TTL readers will be able to give you the raw bits even if the encoding is non-standard.  They are a bit harder to connect (require some soldering), but don't rely on a serial port.  For more info, see:

        You might want to wait for a USB reader I'm developing.  It will greatly simplify getting bits from a magstripe and will have easy-to-use software to go with it.

    • Pals

      Pals - 2008-11-11

      Finally it has been found out that my hardware has a problem. I've orded a V3A-4K from Digikey. I can work on it, in the second week of December only. I'll create a parallel port cable to start with and then hopefully a USB interface / software will be made available to us by Denver, by then, I suppose. This will be very helpful to test in the laptops as it has only USB ports, nowadays.

      I'll update this thread in December. Thanks for all your help and support so far.


    • Pals

      Pals - 2008-11-28


      I have bought now a V3A-4K TTL reader. I'm planning to conect to the desktop's parallel port directly, since I don't have a game port.

      I want to follow
      method which does not use battery and buffer etc.

      But I don't want to connect first to DB15 joystick connector and then to a DB25 male PP connector. Instead I want to connect directly from TTL reader pins 1(GRD), 5(CLK), 6(DATA) to a DB25 male parallel port connector pins 15&25(GRD), 12(PE), 13(SELECT) respectively.

      Would this work ?. Am I missing anything ?. I don't want to see smoke on the first try :-). Appreciate your comments...

      • Denver Gingerich

        There is no functional difference between using a parallel to gameport adapter and wiring the pins directly to a parallel port.  Since it is reported to work fine with a V3A-4K using the instructions you mentioned, it should work fine directly connecting the parallel port connector, assuming your wiring is correct.

        I haven't tried those instructions myself; I used the buffer method described at .  Just make sure your wiring is done right and you should be fine.

    • Pals

      Pals - 2008-11-29

      Denver, Thanks for your quick response. I understand that the circuit that you followed is supposed to be a safer one. In the circuit you used, did you use the pins 14 and 10 from DB15 connector, connected to pins 2 and 3 of the octal buffer ?.

      Also about that 5V, did you connect the 5V out of the IC7805 to the reader also, apart from powering the buffer pin 20 (vcc) ?.

      • Denver Gingerich

        Yes, those are the wirings I used.  5V from the 7805 should be connected to both the buffer chip and the reader, as you mentioned.

        I followed the instructions at exactly and it worked for me.

    • Jules

      Jules - 2009-07-16

      Does anyone know how to handle a serial port product like this -

      I am pretty sure stripesnoop does not work with a serial device?

      I would really appreciate if anyone had any help/advice on how to make this device simply read/write or copy Card A to Card B.


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