
DirectX programmers wanted

  • Acidus

    Acidus - 2004-09-29

    If you know DirectX programming, I could use your help, or simply need to pick your brain. Specifically, I'm looking at the DirectInput functions for reading joysticks. I need to sample the joystick <B>way</b> faster than the normal 30 or 60 times a second. More like 120 times a second.

    • Denver Gingerich

      I don't mean to question your design decisions, but I'm curious where this is going.  Are you planning on using DirectX functions to implement USB-attached card reader support?

      I like Stripe Snoop for a variety of reasons.  One of these is that's it works under Windows and Linux.  This post seems to indicate that some functions will be OS-dependent.  Is that what's happening or am I reading this wrong?

      Thanks for your help.

      • Acidus

        Acidus - 2004-10-06

        Seeing as how my many system is a Linux system, I want Stripe Snoop to remain as OS-Independent as possible.

        The first step to a USB based reader is to stop directly reading from a specific I/O port, because you cannot access USB device this way. To access USB devices, you need to use the functions provided by the OS. I was examining the functions windows uses, specifically the functions windows uses to access Joysticks. These functions are part of DirectX. I tried to use these functions, but found they were too slow. I was looking for people with experience with DirectX or game programming in general, who have done fast access of joysticks, to help me out.

    • riscphree

      riscphree - 2005-01-10

      hey, why dont you use SDL? i love it!! and to all you have to do is include the DLL files that you get with it for it to run on Windows.

    • Acidus

      Acidus - 2005-01-16

      Hmmm. I'll take a look at that. Any special/outstanding webpages/books/tutorials on SDL programming you would recommend? I have some X programming chapters in a few books, but its mainly how to create windows and simple apps in GTK+ and QT.


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