

James Wade
  • James Wade

    James Wade - 2005-03-08

    Now, I'm new at this, but I found similarities between the pinouts of my MagTek reader and the PS2 keyboard port. Data, Clock, Ground, and +5V. Is an interface possible?

    • Acidus

      Acidus - 2005-03-11

      Sorry, but no. Good eye on seeing the similarities though!

      The keyboard (well, modern AT keyboards) interface is Bidirectional. The computer sends commands to the keyboard aswell as receives info from the keyboard. The  clocking speed, and data representation are completely different.

      There are however, PS/2 or Keyboard based magstripe readers. These decode the cards internally and send the decoded characters to the computer as if they were typed into the keyboard by a person.

      Just so you know, Data, Clock, and GND are all very common signal names in computer Architecture. 5V is extremely common as well, as most chips and ICs run off 5V.


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