
Mag Heads... reader/writer difference?

  • lyos

    lyos - 2005-05-26

    Hey ya'll... is there a difference between the reader mag head and a writer mag head? If so, what is the diff? Also what chips would be used? Would it be an F/2F Encoder chip? Or would it be called something completly different?
    Lyos Gemini Norezel
    P.S.- If a mag head from a cassette player was used in place of a normal credit card mag head... would the result be the same? (Assuming an F/2F chip was still used)

    • ChuckMcGuire

      ChuckMcGuire - 2005-07-20

      yep since the frequencies used by the mag strip are in the audio band the set up for the audio head would work.  It might pick up more noise than older card readers I doubt that we would notice it given the kind of detector circuits used.

      I've got a PDF file from an old EE course (I did not take but I found the lab assignment) that gives some very good background info on both reading and writing a mag stripe.

      I would paste it here but it has the instructors copy right and though I dont believe it would be a problem I'll be careful.


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