trend42 - 2005-07-16

Is the location of the first/last name (track 1)
and credit card number and expdate/year (track 2)
on the same place on both visa and mastercard?

Here is my code.. and for some reason it isn't working right (?) with mastercards:


    start = InStr(1, .GetTrack(2), ";")
    middle = InStr(1, .GetTrack(2), "=")

    If middle - start - 1 = 16 Then '15 is valide Amex card.. so check that out and add it if I accept amex
        CCnumber = .FindElement(2, ";", 0, "=") ' Mid(.GetTrack(2), 2, middle - 2)
        ExpMonth = Mid(.GetTrack(2), middle + 3, 2) 'then the exp month after that
        ExpYear = Mid(.GetTrack(2), middle + 1, 2) 'for some reason the Year comes first

        CCLastName = .GetLName 'added 5/18
        CCFirstName = .GetFName 'added 5/18


        '/---try to validate cc info
        CreditCardAuthRetry = 0
        EnableCCreader = False
        ProcessCreditCard.Enabled = True

        CCnumber = Mid(.GetTrack(2), 2, middle - 2)
        Question = "If your card is a valid Mastercard or Visa, please reswipe."
    End If

I understand this might be a little OT.. but if i remember right, SS was org vb :)
