
Stand Alone Card Swipe Reader

  • Zothar

    Zothar - 2004-10-10

    I've been thinking about building a standalone reader.  Here is what I plan on doing.

    Taking a Serial to Parallel IC that has a signal that goes active low everytime eight bits are shifted.  I would hook the data to the serial in, and clock to the clock line.  When 8 bits of data are shifted in, my BasicX microprocessor would latch in the data.  This would repeat until a 1 second timeout on the data ready line.  The data would be placed in an array and post parsed like in the stripe snoop software.  An 4x40 HD44780 LCD display would also be interfaced to the microprocessor and display the data.  I would use two data lines and a decoder to interface to mode switches which would do RAW, ALPHA, and NUMERIC representations of the data. 

    The code would do the following

    *User presses GO
    *Wait for data ready line on serial to parallel ic to go active low
    *Start getting data in 8 bit chunks on low transition of data ready
    *When 1 second elapses of data ready high exit loop
    *Postprocess data depending on Mode switch settings
    *Display formatted data to LCD

    This would be placed in a project box of some sort. It could actually be very small...  I could also have a database lookup. But I only have 32k EEPROMs. I would beed an abbreviated database file. 

    Tell me what you think.  The BasicX is a pretty powerful processor that is REAL easy to interface and program. Any additional ideas before I start working on it?  I would appreciate any help..

    • mentat

      mentat - 2004-10-10

      The issue of the database does lend some weight to the need to consider an alternative parsable format that could be compiled to a compact binary format. Anyone have any ideas on this?

    • Zothar

      Zothar - 2004-10-15

      Does anyone know what the sampling rate of the current gameport reader is? I am just wondering because the basicX microprocessor can only sample at approx 8000 samples/sec.  Im thinking, worst case this would limit you to a slow swipe speed...

      Any help would be nice

      • Acidus

        Acidus - 2004-10-18

        well, that depends. I don't have a fixed sampling rate. If you look at the code, you'll see I a do loop, grapping the port data as fast as possible


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