


Stream Guide is a simple way to manage all the shows watched on all the differenct streaming Apps (Hulu, Netflix, Vue, Sling, etc..) in one place. It was orignally designed to sit with a tablet in front of the TV and track shows as they are watched.

1. Manifest
2. Installation
3. Testing
4. Troubleshooting
5. How it Works
6. Release Notes

1. Manifest

cgi-bin/streamguide : primary CGI
streamguide/ : location for all the web related files used by CGI streamguide.
streamguide/channels.dat : Network Channels you watch (abc,nbc,etc..)
streamguide/index.html : HTML Beginning point for streaguide
streamguide/index-demo.dat : Test demo stream guide
streamguide/info.png : Click for more information
streamguide/list.png : Click to list all shows
streamguide/phone.css : Future full implementation of css
streamguide/plus.png : Click to add new show
streamguide/trash.png : Click to delete show

2. Installation

This is a perl based CGI driven tool. A Web server and Perl are required.

  1. Install the CGI streamguide into a webserver executable directory

  2. Make sure perl is installed with cpan and execute:
    cpan install Tie::File

  3. Copy the streamguide directory to a path your web server sees.

  4. Edit the paths at the top of the CGI streamguide from Step 1 to match your configurations.
    It is currently configured to a assumes standard webserver structure on Linux:
    CGI path: /var/www/cgi-bin
    HTML path: /var/www

  5. Make all files by the web server.


3. Testing

  1. Execute the CGI streamguide from a command line shell. It should run clean.

  2. Enter "demo" as Stream Guide Name. The index-demo.dat file has been provided for testing.

4. Troubleshooting

Check that the CGI streamguide perl script is executable.
Check that the first line of the CGI streamguide points to perl.
Check paths at the top of the CGI streamguide is executable.
Check permissions (755) on CGI streamguide, streamguide directory, and all files.
Check ownership (is owned by web server) on CGI streamguide, streamguide directory, and all files.

5. How It Works

INITIAL START PAGE asks for a name of a Stream Guide. If one exists it goes straight to it. If one does not exist, it creates one.
NOTE: The next page after hitting [enter] is the page you want to bookmark.

STREAM GUIDE DASHBOARD consists of the following (from top down):

  • Record Count - How many shows are in the Stream Guide displayed.

  • "+" - Icon of a plus sign. Enter a NEW show into Stream Guide.

  • "list" - Icon of a bullet list. Display ALL shows in the Stream Guide.

  • Search - Search any show.

  • Day of the Week - Quickly display all shows on a specific day.

  • Active, Reruns, Cancelled, Hiatus, NoStream - Status of a show section displayed.

    • Active - Currently watching and airing of new episodes.
    • Reruns - Shows no longer on air, but available in reruns or on-demand
    • Cancelled - Shows never coming back (Not a useful sections, but put it in anyway).
    • Hiatus - Shows that are on break and will return next season. Keeps "Active" uncluttered.
    • NoStream - Shows you like but can't find a stream for yet. So you don't forget about it.
  • Displayed:

    • Season - Season number
    • Episode - Last episode watched. Click to increment by 1.
    • Title - Title of show. Click to EDIT show profile.
    • Network - Channel/Network show airs on. Click to filter a particular Network.
    • Premier - Day of the week new episodes air. Click to filter that specific day.
    • Stream - What Apps stream's the show.
    • "info" - Click the info icon for more informationon the show from the internet.
    • When a show is in one of 2 sections it performs different searches:
    • Active - Searches internet for episode guide to make sure you are up to date.
    • Hiatus - Searches internet for when next season will start.

ADD/EDIT SHOW PROFILE Configures the following for a show

  • Status - The status of a show and in what section of the Dashboard it is displayed.
  • Active - Currently watching and airing of new episodes.
  • Reruns - Shows no longer on air, but available in reruns or on-demand
  • Cancelled - Shows never coming back (Not a useful sections, but put it in anyway).
  • Hiatus - Shows that are on break and will return next season. Keeps "Active" uncluttered.
  • NoStream - Shows you like but can't find a stream for yet. So you don't forget about it.

  • Title - The title of the show.

  • Season - The season of the show. Some shows don't list seasons, this can be blank.

  • Episode - This last episode watched.

  • Premier - Day of the week the show airs on.

  • Network/Channel - Who typically airs the show (ABC, NBC, USA, etc..)

  • Strems - List (separated by space) where the streams can be found.
    Yes I know...Typing it in sucks! Next version will be pull downs or find a way to auto-populate. Also, first letter is automatically capitalized.

  • Comment - Any comment you wish to add. Originally used to enter the return date of a show.

  • "trashcan" - Clicking the trash can will delete the show profile.

6. Release Notes

v1.0 - Feb 2017 / Private version
v1.1 - Apr 2017 / Relase for public use