
SWANS++ / News: Recent posts

SWANS++ alpha release

The SWANS++ alpha version is available for immediate download. You can access it via CVS from this project or as a distribution from

Note that this is an alpha release and is still undergoing testing.

Posted by Dave Choffnes 2007-04-09

Now Accepting Code Submissions

If you have any extensions to JiST/SWANS that you would like to make publicly available (e.g., with a GNU license), I urge to you to submit this code to the SWANS++ project. I will collect the code, merge it into the JiST/SWANS source and place the unified code in a release package (and CVS repository). To submit code, please do so via the SWANS++ submission site located here: read more

Posted by Dave Choffnes 2007-01-06

Call for Code

JiST/SWANS developers:

It is time for a new SWANS release, the first of it's kind under the guise of SWANS++. This release will contain:

* bug fixes
* new routing protocols (GPSR and DSR as implemented in NS2)
* a fully-featured interactive runtime visualization tool
* fully integrated and enhanced STRAW mobility model
* support for multi-channel radios
* ... and much, much more

The target release date is the end of January, 2007. If you have robust code that you would like to contribute to this effort, please contact me directly.

Posted by Dave Choffnes 2006-11-09

Swans++ Wiki

A new wiki for the SWANS++ group has been posted at Please join and contribute to the JiST/SWANS development community!

Posted by Dave Choffnes 2006-08-24

Visualization tool released

The much-anticipated runtime visualizaiton tool for the SWANS simulator has been released as part of STRAW version 1.2.

Posted by Dave Choffnes 2006-02-21

STRAW on SourceForge

STRAW has been uploaded to SourceForge. It will soon be added to CVS for community development.

Posted by Dave Choffnes 2006-02-17