

Walter Lyrer

Strategy/State Generator Sample

A sample of generated code has been provided. The sample can be downloaded as zip file from here.

Please, read the documentation StrategyStateGeneratorSampleExplained.pdf from the downloaded zip file. There the steps of creation from first generation step until the final strategy/state implementation is described in detail.

There are also three JAR files inside the zip containing Java code:

  • strategy-state-generator-sample-source-2.0.4.jar contains the strategystate generation source code using the strategy/state generator. In the documentation StrategyStateGeneratorSampleExplained.pdf it is explained how to use it.

  • strategy-state-generator-sample-generated-2.0.4.jar contains the code generated by the strategystate generator code. This code is generated automatically without any manual adaptions. This code contains only "structure" and does not make any meaningful thing. When you generate the strategy/state code as described in the documentation StrategyStateGeneratorSampleExplained.pdf then it is identical to the code in this JAR file.

  • strategy-state-generator-sample-implemented-2.0.4.jar contains the code generated by the strategystate generator and manually implemented. This code runs as defined in the use case described in documentation StrategyStateGeneratorSampleExplained.pdf.

The code in strategy-state-generator-sample-implemented-2.0.4.jar and strategy-state-generator-sample-source-2.0.4.jar must be compiled in the same classpath to run the samples successfully.


Copyright by Walter Lyrer


The author cannot be made responsible for any damage caused by the Strategy/State Generator.
The usage of the Strategy/State Generator is on own risk.
The code is designed and implemented on best know-how and with good intentions by the author.
Especially is to mention that the generated code of the Strategy/State Generator is not guaranteed to run instantly correct.
Manual supervision is necessary.


Walter Lyrer

Other projects from same author

Jacoge Java Generator Eclipse Plugin
Converter Generator
Visitor Generator
Named Parameter Converter

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