

Walter Lyrer

Strategy/State Generator Overview

The Strategy/State Generator creates Java Source Code for classes representing strategies of strategy pattern or states of state pattern in a half-automated way.

The State Pattern and the Strategy Pattern are from a technical view identical (see Design Pattern). Thus the ancestor project Strategy Generator has been adapted as new project Strategy/State Generator to generate also State Pattern Java source code.

Please, note, that the API of this project and Strategy Generator are similar but not identical. The structure is equal. However, the class and field method names have been adapted. Additionally new fields have been added to configure Java source code generation more sophisticatedly.

The generated code provides structures and classes. Concrete methods must be defined manually in the strategy or state interface and must be implemented in the strategy or state classes.

The programmer saves the time to create manually a lot of classes.


Copyright by Walter Lyrer


The author cannot be made responsible for any damage caused by the Strategy/State Generator.
The usage of the Strategy/State Generator is on own risk.
The code is designed and implemented on best know-how and with good intentions by the author.
Especially is to mention that the generated code of the Strategy/State Generator is not guaranteed to run instantly correct.
Manual supervision is necessary.


Walter Lyrer

Other projects from same author

Jacoge Java Generator Eclipse Plugin
Converter Generator
Visitor Generator
Named Parameter Converter

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