
StoryTestIQ 2.0 RC4 Released 2/9/2008

The fourth release candidate of StoryTestIQ 2 acceptance test framework includes the following:

- Sandbox
- DOM Detail
- UI Map locator
- Page creation improvements
- Navigation improvements
- UI improvements and customization support
- Bug fixes

- Sandbox reintegrated
- Sandbox uses select widget for commands (command-list.js)
- Sandbox has contextual help (STIQ Wiki)
- DOM Detail tool reintegrated
- Added UI Map
- New Page creation returns Parent page as response
- Navigation tree items that can't load in Suite frame (tests, components) no longer look like "links"
- Tag Suite sorts alphabetically
- Suite's testcase cache is removed when Properties, Refactor, NewPage, and Refresh buttons are clicked
- Create new page now includes all "page types" (added Tag Suite and Component Suite)
- Parent page name inclusion in Suite links for recursive !suite and !components is configurable (ShowParentInRecursiveSuiteLinks property)
- Parent page name inclusion in Suite links for !tagsuite is configurable (ShowParentInTagsuiteLinks property)
- Parent page separator for Suite links is configurable (ParentChildLinkSeparator property)
- Textarea size in edit form is configurable (EditorTextareaRows property)
- New Tag Suite page default start page is configurable (TagsuiteStartPageDefault property)
- New Tag Suite page default tag is configurable (TagsuiteTagDefault property)
- New Component icon
- Added STIQ HTA application icon
- All Control Panel stuff is in collapsible sections
- Split ant script into build and runner and only deliver runner with binaries
- FitnessRunner (execute-suite-stiq) outputs well-formed XML

Posted by David A. Koontz 2008-02-11

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