
StoryTestIQ 2.0 RC1 released

StoryTestIQ 2.0 RC1

StoryTestIQ (STIQ) is a tool for creating "Executable Requirements" (aka acceptance tests or functional tests) allowing easy collaboration between cross-functional team members. A "mash-up" of FitNesse & Selenium with a bit of magic to create STIQ! This combination allowed STIQ to capture the web browser based testing facilities and elegant command language of Selenium along with the wiki based editing and pluggable Fit fixture loading of FitNesse. We believe that this increases the productivity of working with STIQ and also enhances the capabilities of Selenium to test beyond the user interface.

When developing web applications it is helpful for the cross-functional team to have a definitive and executable view of the requirements for a specified iteration. STIQ may be used to record what the team's customer needs and get sign off before developing even a single line of code. Most of the test cases which are recorded will be failing. It is the responsibility of the team to implement the requirements in order to make the test cases pass. These practices are based in the tradition of Test-Driven Development.

STIQ may also be used in traditional development teams to create acceptance and functional tests. They may be used to supplement the team's unit tests with a Test-Driven Development approach or even to automate existing manual test cases.

Release Notes:
The first release candidate of StoryTestIQ 2 acceptance test framework includes the following:

- Selenium upgrade (0.8.2)
- Selenium IDE upgrade (0.8.7)
- User interface improvements
- Documentation improvements
- Performance improvements (!tagsuite)
- New page types (STIQSuite, STIQComponent)
- New widgets (!components, !xref, !embed)
- Bug fixes

- Support for AJAX web application testing (Selenium 0.8.2)
- Resizable and collapsible frames (DHTML Suite)
- Windows installer for binaries
- More extensive STIQ documentation
- Tutorial tests and self-hosted Demo application
- Initial test data includes recommended organizational schema
- Selenese documentation is self-hosted
- Selenium tests are self-hosted
- Unrecognized WikiWord ? is now suppressed
- !xref widget opens a link in a new window
- !embed widget embeds a URL in an iframe
- Editing a test clears the cached test results in the suite
- startPage is derived from project-extensions.js defaultStartPage var if present
- startPage parsing assumes it is served by STIQ (e.g., startPage=/FrameworkTests) unless domain is given explicitly
- Selenium IDE installer and STIQ format files are served by STIQ (/files/firefox/selenium-ide-0.8.7.xpi and /files/firefox/StoryTestIQ-format.js)
- Spaces in breadcrumbs are suppressed
- New ~ responder serves raw html/txt/css files directly from the repository (used for Selenium IDE STIQ extensions, etc.)
- Removed RecentChanges
- Properties action button can not be disabled directly
- New page properties indicate a STIQSuite and STIQComponent
- !components widget creates a suite-like table for STIQComponent type pages
- Create new page button makes creating a STIQ page faster and easier
- !contentstree widget includes icons for page types based on their property
- Invalid WikiWord page name gives informative error message
- Trailing whitespace does not break tables
- !tagsuite caches !tag values (fast after the first time)

The StoryTestIQ web site:

The StoryTestIQ SourceForge site:

Posted by David A. Koontz 2007-08-28

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