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Showing 12 results of 12

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
13 Bug: stories listed out of order 1.0 accepted Arin 2012-06-01 2012-06-29  
12 Bug: Authors with numerical names 1.0 open Arin 2012-06-01 2012-06-01  
11 Make a new Author index by country 1.0 open Arin 2012-06-01 2012-06-01  
10 Recognise duplicate authors and titles in the database 2.0 open Arin 2012-06-01 2012-06-01  
9 Implement HTML entities in PHP 1.0 open Arin 2012-06-01 2012-06-01  
7 Generate eBook (ePub) files 2.0 open Arin 2012-06-01 2012-06-01  
6 Identify stories with newly posted reviews 2.0 open Arin 2012-06-01 2012-06-01  
5 Improve title indexes listing 2.0 open Arin 2012-06-01 2012-06-01  
4 add ability to subscribe to authors 2.0 open Edward 2012-05-28 2012-06-01  
3 Allow tag searching 2.0 open Edward 2012-05-19 2012-06-01  
2 Function to retrieve stories should only retrieve recently updated stories 1.0 open Edward 2012-05-19 2012-06-17  
1 Add ability to view multi-part stories as one entity 1.0 open Edward 2012-05-19 2012-06-17  
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