


How Do Star Trek Online Keybinds Work

Click here to read the information on How Keybinds work in Start Trek Online

Star Trek Online Keybind Application

The Star Trek Online Keybind application was birthed out of the Federation Emergency Services fleet. The fleet had a need to assist some players with physical disabilities to simplify their game play so that they might also participate in PvP. Creating complex keybinds require some knowledge of how to edit text files in the Star Trek Online game folder and was quite complex for some players. The keybind application simplifies this whole step and allows players to simplify their approach. Be-aware: Fully keybinding your gameplay is not a great solution for dynamic play style and because of activation timing it can easily be used against you. But if you are struggling to focus on your surroundings, it might be a good approach to add some keybinds.

The best approach at learning the Keybind Application is to watch the Help Videos:

Basic Operations
Web Open (Now Called INFO)
Predefined Keys
Create Keys that Cycle
Keybind Sets
How to use Preset

The Software never interacts with the Star Trek Online Executable!!! It NEVER sends key strokes to the Star Trek Online Executable!!! The only information the application ever retrieves is the location of the Star Trek Online executable folder. This is done by requesting the information of Star Trek Online installation from the operating system. This is required to create short load bind file commands that you can then copy into your clipboard. This might be a protected folder, and if the Application detects that it is a protected folder, it will request to upgrade its privileges to be able to write to that folder. It will create a text file in the format that is acceptable to the Star Trek Online executable. This text file allows a defined feature to be used in the Star Trek Online executable to import keybinds. The Keybind application's own file format for saving and loading keybinds are independent of the game and does not interact with the game. The sole purpose of these files is to allow storage of created keybinds for later use by the STO Keybind Application.

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