
Stickies / News: Recent posts

Stickies 2.0.6

* Implemented threaded auto save with ability to set the
auto save time within the global preferences.

* Bolted on a desktop background image changer util
I've used for years. Select a directory with jpeg
images and the util will cycle through the images
changing the desktop background at a set time.

* 'Add Dir' now works in media player as I original wished
it. You no longer need to re-navigate a directory
structure each time you want to add more
mp3/wma etc files.... read more

Posted by Steven De Toni 2006-04-26

Stickies 2.0.5

* Added CPU info in the processes dialog box.
* Added save/backup/restore support with sticky data.
* Added auto and manual re-link feature for
stickies that become unlinked for what ever reason.

Posted by Steven De Toni 2006-03-22

Stickies 2.0.4

# Fixed save bug upon windows shutdown.
# Added New grouping folder for stickies. Stickies can be dragged and dropped between group folders, right click icon in system tray and select 'New Sticky Group'
# Plus other small bugs.

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-11-30

stickies 2.0.3

* Added additional id3 tag information in to mp3 player
* Fixed save/shutdown bug

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-11-02

Stickies 2.0.2

* Added syntax highlighting feature for common languages.
* Fixed heaps of minor bugs.
* Added ID3 tag v1.0 for Mp3 files, planning ID3v2 tag reading in the future.

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-10-20

Stickies 2.0.1

* Minor bug fixes to print preview and a few enhancements added.

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-09-06

Stickies 2.0.0

* Added print preview
* Added new maps to SunClock sub-app
* Fixed a heap of minor bugs

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-09-05

Stickies 1.9.9

* Added more short-cut buttons to the edit bar
* Fixed minor bugs

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-08-22

Stickies 1.9.8

* Fixed save bug for mp3player and sun clock when Windows is restarted, or logged out.

* Stickies now act individually when selected as opposed to bringing all of the stickies to the front when selecting 1. The bring all stickies to the front is still available by clicking the sticky icon in the system tray.

* Minor bug fixes..

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-08-12

stickies 1.9.7

Sorry for the very recent release but I have to fix a couple of anonying bugs.

* Recent releases have broken the calculator mode, console mode, these bugs have been fixed.

* Fixed sub-app clock. The AlphaBlend API function is not supported by all video hardware, soin the event it fails, the program will use a slower manual blend algorithm.

* Fixed clock quit function, so that is no longer quits the whole of stickies.

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-08-10

stickies 1.9.6

* Updated MP3 player; it now uses MCI player interface so player now supports all the video/audio formats that Windows media player supports.

* Added a world clock sub-app. Displays the world map and the current day/night shodow in various map types, and the time. Right click clock window to show menu.

* Fixed a few minor bugs in Block Hightlight function.

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-08-10

Stickies 1.9.5

# Fixed spell checker going round in circles.
# Added text highlight block for fixed width fonts.
# Minor bug fixes.

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-08-03

Stickies 1.9.4

* Fixed explorer interface, and automatic loading of exported stickies. It has been broken for years.
* Added a user dictionary to the spell cheaker.
* Added ignore all referances of a word in spell checker.

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-02-17


Added myspell spell checker. Download/Add your language dictionary to ./stickies_dic to use.

Added a new stickies installer, uninstall old version before upgrading to this version. Old stickies data will remain intact.

Posted by Steven De Toni 2005-02-14

Stickies 1.9.0

* Fixed minor problem with Transparant Edit Bar
* Printing now allows to convert sticky txt to black and white, or to print sticky on a white background. Sticky text formatting is restored after printing is completed.

Posted by Steven De Toni 2004-11-01

Stickies 1.8.9

* Added variables to Calculator with a couple of new keywords,
help, ? and vars to display variable information,
also operators or |, and &, xor ^, and not !

(in calc mode Alt+C)
mult = 1+2
result = mult * 3

result = 9
mult = 3
c = 9
a = 3

x = tan (3.14) // tan in radians
x = sin (3.14) // sin in radians
x = cos (3.14) // cos in radians
x = atan (3.14) // arc-tan in radians
x = asin (3.14) // arc-sin in radians
x = acos (3.14) // arc-cos in radians
x = ln (3.14) // log
x = sqrt (3.14) // square root
x = exp (3.14) // exponential
x = sin(rtod (180)) // radians to degrees
x = mod (4,3) // remainder
x = pi // pi
bin // set output in binary
hex // set output in hexidecimal
dec // set output in decimal
x = 4 & 1; x = 4 and 1; // binary and operation
x = 4 ^ 1; x = 4 xor 1; // binary xor operation
x = ! 1; x = not 1; // binary not operation
x = 4 | 1; x = 4 or 1; // binary or operation
x = 1 << 2; x = 1 shl 2; // binary shift left operation
x = 2 >> 1; x = 1 shr 2; // binary shift right operation
vars // displays created variables and values
result = a + (b / (a=c)) // create and assign new variables
help; ?; // this help... read more

Posted by Steven De Toni 2004-10-25