
Stick2xyz 1.4.0pre1 in Subversion

Stick2xyz version 1.4.0pre1 has been released in Subversion. The major
change was to modernize the build system.

Please note that I have not yet decided to resume further work on the
source code. I may decide only to keep the build system up-to-date
with the GNU Autotools standards.

The SVN version is accessible on SourceForge by using:

svn co svn:// stick2xyz-stick2xyz

The Stick Figure Viewer/Converter is a utility that is useful for
producing stick figure animations, and then being able to output the
animations to formats such as a K-3D file and 8-bit PNG files. The
primary goal of this project is to produce a "C source" utility program
that can be used in the first step of the CG process, the stick figure
and then the skeleton.

Any one (even C++ programmers) who desires to assist in writing code
should work on the project from SVN first (see below on how to gain
access to Planet Saphire's anonymous SVN.) Then, send me a few patches
and if I approve the patches, I will add the submitters of the approved
patches to the project, with SVN write access. The only patches I will
not approve under any circumstances, are patches that change the build
system from the autotools to another build system, because I want the
public to see the cost advantage of using an open source operating
system when the CG process is used. C++ Code is allowed, but may be
converted to C Code at my discretion.

EDIT: I have decided to release two source distributions. One is a
source distribution right from the SVN trunk, and the other is a
distribution that does not require the autotools to compile.

Posted by Kevin McBride 2015-05-28

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