

Dave Amies


The Stepping Framework is more a methodology than the actual code behind it, so while there is code available, the methodology can be applied to any language or testing tool and the code available is merely an implementation for a specific tool or language.

The crux of the Stepping Framework is that it's a data driven testing approach, test cases can be written before the code is written to make the test work with the application or even before a testing tool is chosen. As it is a data driven testing approach, there are naturally datasheets, these are broken into 2 types 1.[Step Sequences] and 2.[Data Sets].

The workflow of the Stepping Framework is simple but very powerful as it's infinitely recursive and is able to act/react to conditions even unexpected ones.

At the core of the Stepping Framework is the main function called the Step Processor which contains a simple code structure of a case statement inside a for loop. The Step Processor reads the Step Sequence it's given, then for each step in the sequence using the case statement evaluates which function to call based on the step type. For example a step type of Data would read a line of data from a Data Set, or a step type of button would call a function that knows how to click a button in your application. Part of the power of this structure comes in when a Step type of Step calls another Step Sequence.

The code components of the Stepping Framework are broken into 4 ideological sections:
1. [Core Functions]
2. [Utility Functions]
3. [Linking Functions]
4. [Application Specific Functions]

More Details

  • [Step Types] available to be used in a Step Sequence.
  • [Parameterisation] is available in all sections of the Step Sequence giving quite flexible and powerful step combinations.


Wiki: Application Specific Functions
Wiki: Core Functions
Wiki: Data Sets
Wiki: Linking Functions
Wiki: Parameterisation
Wiki: Step Sequences
Wiki: Step Types
Wiki: Utility Functions