
The view...

Ian Hanson
  • Ian Hanson

    Ian Hanson - 2021-03-17

    Hi, I have a question; I am very new to stellarium but I do think it is awesome. I have an issue though that I am looking out of my window at the setting sun and it is a couple of degrees or so above my actual horizon. When I check Stellarium the sun has pretty much set behind the horizon.
    Can anyone explain this. I have put in my GPS coordinates and altitude and the time seems to be ok.

    Appreciate any help here....


  • Ian Hanson

    Ian Hanson - 2021-03-17

    I would say the stellarium view is about 30 minutes advanced of what I actually see if that is of any help....

  • gzotti

    gzotti - 2021-03-17

    Are you in the Southern hemisphere on a location with daylight saving time? How should we know? If you set location and timezone (F6 panel), the simulation should be accurate.

  • Ian Hanson

    Ian Hanson - 2021-03-19

    Hi thanks for the response. Not sure if I have an answer to this. When I took out the landscape then it seems to be ok.
    To answer your question Northern Hemisphere
    UTC time