
Steallarium Calculator ?

  • Georgia Michael

    Georgia Michael - 2021-03-22

    Hi people, I am currently working on connecting dates spans and gematria connections. For example, my child is born on the 75th day of the year and was born exactly 75 weeks 0 days from the Great American eclipse (21 August 2017
    ) I would like to be able to convert date durations of planets to see what other organic connections I can make. However, as I am very new to Stellarium (which is awesome) and I am not very techy, I was hoping to find some sort of calculator on stellarium that would connect date durations of a planet span rather than earth days if anyone can please help make this 100 Neptune days would be 1600 hours? So 100 Neptune days =66 or 67 days would this be correct? Sorry, this maybe confusing, as I dont know how to use the stellarium features (and if it has this capability??) ..any help would be very much appreciated.


    Last edit: Georgia Michael 2021-03-22
  • Georgia Michael

    Georgia Michael - 2021-03-22

    Ooops< I thought I could make my name anonymous here? Is that possible please

  • gzotti

    gzotti - 2021-03-22

    Stellarium as an astronomy program has no support for gematria. It supports Julian day numbers and the conventional Gregorian calendar for the present time and (with the new Calendars plugin) several other calendars. To count days, use the Julian Day interface, it avoids different month lengths or leap years.

    This forum is no longer anonymous. We had too much spam.